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The dark dusky sky was covering the horizon in the distance not far from the divine gate. During this time a dark figure was roaming the forest covered in the shadows around it, it's purple skin and clothes blending into the dark shadows of the trees, the being was tall and slim,it's boots sinking into the soft dirt under it, it's front teeth were like miniature tasks sharp enough to cut through even the hardest of metals. Its tail lowered to the ground completely covered in shadow around it, the being was no human, but was a creature no one had ever seem. The white hair swaying in the wind around it as the trees howled around in the wind, it was no surprise to it that on an evening like this would be this calm around the area but seeing another being was rare, especially mortals since they don't have the guts to face the overlord himself. The white haired being would roam around the boarders when the sun is at its lowest, this creature was nocturnal and enjoyed the cold temperatures of the night, the Oni (also known as the Bringers of Doom) are a race of powerful demons with the power of destruction, led by the Omega. They are the first evil to ever come into existence. The being looked around the hollowed perimeter of the path Infront of it,of coarse it would know where it was heading otherwise it would have been lost by the time the sun rises with only the bright light of the sun to guide it. The creature came to a stop when it's eyes were laid on a burning part of the forest beyond the path it was following from before. The trees looked entirely burned and broken as the ashes flew around in the air making the creature cough and choke on the air, he slowly walked forwards seeing more burned trees and their ashed flying around in the air as the fires burned and feasted on the wood before them. It shook it's head before hearing a pained groan from below it, it's tilted it's head before finally looking down at the two gold covered gods getting crushed by a large tree. It grabbed the tree by it's large thick wooden stem and slowly dragged it off the golden figure before seeing a bat like human and a mere white haired mortal, slightly covered in golden blood and completely unconscious. The skinny creature felt pity for the two but this wasn't right, Oni's aren't supposed to have feelings. With out hesitation the figure carried the two like they were sacks of potatoes making sure to keep it's grip secure and steady then walked off into the direction it came from hearing the fire crackle echoing in it's ears.

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