morning together pt:1

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She sat up in bed and just cursed the universe for this but decided to deal with it later, she's spent her life mostly awake so she figured she could manage completely fine with merely a few sleepless hours, no big deal. "Alright, I'm up" she said in a raspy tone hearing vucub hum in response and walk out of the room closing the door behind him, she calmly got out of bed and got ready for the day, since chivo burned all of her gi's she'd have to wear more, revealing out fits. It was a horrible idea for one but until she could gather the proper materials to make more she'd have to work with what she had, a few t-shirts, jeans, sweatpants, and some long shorts. Gods why?

With Maya

Today was probably one of the most calmest mornings shed had in years before her brothers would get up and start bouncing off the walls like little kids waiting for thier breakfast to be served. Since her and her accomplises were nextdoor neighbors on the south side it was easy to stick together in such a large palace like this, it was a nice place don't get her wrong but it was still a tad bit sketchy seeing only the dark hallways and the cracked walls, but now that she thought about it how old was this place if it wasn't on any of the maps then it was probably new and undiscovered but just seeing the cracks on the walls and the floors meant it was older then that but how come the other kingdoms never noticed it's existence? The nearest kingdom from the devine gate was the jungle lands and not a single report on its existence. The patrols weren't sent that far off the kingdoms borders so that was probably the reason, at the moments she along with the other prophecy heros were being led to the kitchen by Zatz who was simply and mentally being a panicking simp.

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