a adoring past pt:2

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The dark man got closer to the bed leaning forward to at least catch a glance at his new born child before having the moment interrupted by loud stomping footsteps and so robe kicking down the door "I'm here where's the baby?!" It was keem, demic's brother. He always wore long white robes with that same old straw hat his father wore back during the snake wars, his long white beard all the way to his torso and he was 6,3 taller than his students but shorter than his brother. Because of his dragon gene he is taller than average "yes I see you brother now where's that baby?!" He said and rushed over to the bed shoving his brother over to the side making him nearly fall over on the floor, "aw so precious!" He gushed making his brothers wife chuckle at the comment, she did have to admit it was funny seeing keems child side sometimes whenever his emotions got the best of him. She didn't get to see this side often since he was always off in the monastery teaching his students while she would be in the library doing more research or just being in the museum with Laurence or robin, he just went ga ga over the baby while Demic was trying to get up but with his brother in the way he found it difficult since his other pair of arms were trying to lift himself up "brother can you at least help me up?"


He just groaned in annoyance and towered over his brother pushing him to the side and loomed over his wife again "so, can I hold him?"

"Yes but be careful with the claws"

He very carefully lifted up the small baby into his arms with the blanket with it admiring the small child seeing it's tired face before it looked up at him with pure amathyst eyes before reaching out to his face gently puting a hand on his cheek "um, brother?"

"I will cherish him forever"

"Her actually" his wife corrected "I don't care, as long as she is here then I will do whatever it takes to make her life better than mine" he said and looked up to his wife while his brother than leaned on his brother trying to get a look on his niece, "so what's her name?" He asked catching his brothers attention from the baby and also looked up, they were both curious about the name since she was the creative one in the relationship and she also was the one who wanted to name her since she had a whole list of names  she wanted to try, but honestly she didn't know what to name her, since he named her son, leaf, she was to sure if she even wanted to name her second child "how about you name her instead?" Seeing her husband's face just light up made her laugh, he wasn't usually the best at being caught off guard but in this accession he was to focused on the baby he wasn't to experienced in naming so he had to at least know a few but most of the names he could think of were mostly mortal based and not rightful for a potential heir untill one finally seemed to become a rightful name "onyxsilum inei Demic"

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