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Onyx just stared in awe at the 4 who have surprisingly defeated her father with not much effort but with a skylight for heaven's sake, A SKYLIGHT!!!, She sighed in relief and looked over to Zatz who was busy untying the other gods after retrieving his sword. Onyx was glad no one got hurt except him which he clearly deserved for pulling such a a stunt like that. Infact he should be put in onyx's dungeon for attempted murder "victory!!!" The Burnett shouted in triumph, she wore a eagle themed armor suit that seamed to be a hand me down seeing how ancient and nicely carved it was. The sword also seemed to be a hand me down but seeing the gold indentions basically carved into the also eagle themed sword seemed to be gods blood meaning it was a golden palacemen, its strong enough to hurt an oni but not kill one, these palacemens were handcrafted by those who have fought the gods in the ancient times during the wars of the kingdoms before the peace treaty was developed. Her companions on the other hand weren't like anything else she's ever seen, a large barbarian, a white headed archer and a scrawny wizard with a wooden claw for a staff, it was possible these were the prophecy heros she's heard so much about as the word goes around the kingdoms of thier presence. Her thoughts were cut short when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her in a right hug "onyx are you alright?" It was Zatz, he pulled away from the hug and looked deep into her rich purple eyes, she was partially in shock and relief but she couldn't figure out why, was it supposed to be because of the 4 new people in the room of was it from the fact they saved Zatz from his fate?

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