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The king shook his head before saying "I just wanted to thank you for your generosity" he said shyly, onyx understood his intentions and nodded as she looked down at him, sure she may not know much about feelings but she already new this was what her father called 'complashion' he had mispronounced a few words during his time as on overlord but hay she couldn't do a thing to stop the path he picked. "Well I admire your honesty" she said plainly looming over him as he looked up at her, general wasn't used to talking with such a being like onyx, no, she was different than the rest in some way he could not figure out, was it her calmness?, Or was it just in her nature? He knew that the oni were violent and used the above average vocabulary to express thier urges to destroy. "W-well thank you" ok now that got him embarrassed, he didn't want to start off things in a weird direction and stuttering was one way to do it. She slightly chuckled at his mistake and he left the room his mind running, he was looking to much into this case, sure he was curious about onyx and her nature but he had to focused on something more than that especially with lord mictlan thinking about thier possible death on the battle field that day.
Onyx sighed and took back off her shirt and pulled back out the sowing supplies and finally got all the cuts fixed. She was experienced in sowing her cloths back together very often mostly because of her enemy's forces trying to kill her and take over the palace Wich was why she only slept a few times a week or two if she got lucky. Sleeping was something she did not excel at mostly because an Oni's strength was fueled by conflict, her father and brother have already embraced thier oni sides so why couldn't she? She didn't believe she needed the blood in her veins to win every battle for her but her father once said "one day you will need it" but that day never came, but with her brother he had to get revenge on the greatest being of evil for 'killing' thier father and boy he went crazy with it.with her dragon side was a different story,her mother on the other hand was a normal human being who fell in love with her was a weird family to be in but she couldn't help that her father was a former warlord, her brother was a ninja, her uncle was a sensei, and her mother was a historian. She was the youngest sibling in the family and yet everyone just had to grow apart, she hissed and decided to head up to the lead monks room. It was the biggest room in the whole palace and was like a huge library but a loud echoing laugh interrupted her plans, she new who it was and didn't like it a single bit. It was loud, hoarse, and bellowing, just a voice she could remember throughout her hollowed past, her father.
He was bi and was currently dating a guy named vinny, and if he's here then that means she had to deal his skeleton soldiers to, She groaned in annoyance and just decided to deal with her father's shenanigans.

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