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After the talk with her father she made it back to the guest room and was laying down in the hammock staring up at the ceiling, since she didn't sleep very often so she would spend most of her time dazing and thinking through the dark starry night before the sun rises and then she would just redo the cycle over and over,one day of sleep a week but since it was Sunday that would officially mean that she has skipped a day of sleep, she understood she could have just slept that night but how could she with such a busy mind. Drake and duke would sleep in the throne room, the bat rulers are in her room but hopefully they didn't touch anything or at least, see anything, most of the pictures in her room were covered in cloths and rags, onyx could hear the faint sound of crickets echoing through the empty hallways as it made its way around the palace,she could understand a few things but the offer her father made her was stuck in her head like it was on repeat but she forced those thoughts away and just focused on tomorrow.
The next morning came faster than expected since it usually felt like a eternity but it just felt like few minutes.
She forced herself out of the hammock feeling the small tints of heat beaming from the cracks in the walls before something new caught her attention, a new smell that seemed indescribable,but seemed recognizable. She changed into a purple gi and some black sweat pants and made her way down the hall the sent getting stronger with each step, if drake and duke are cooking I'll be impressed she thought, the last time drake and duke cooked was when they tried to cook popcorn but almost ended up blowing up the kitchen along with the stove Wich explains why some parts of it are rusted and burned. And after that accident she had to revoke thier cooking privelages,she entered the kitchen seeing the bone heads chatting with Zatz at the small marble table in the middle of the kitchen while his father was cooking over the stove. Onyx was confused for the most part since she didn't think they wake up this early but if they were in the underworld they would have to wake up in the morning all of the time since they had that demon lord to serve, she strolled up to the table and sat down before hitting the table as a cup of coffee appeared and she drank it with no hesitation "morning onyx" Zatz said, she nodded and hummed in response "so your majesty, now that were on the topic, we have to go!" Drake and duke then bolted off leaving a confused prince and queen.
What's all that about?

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