a kidnapping

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The last few hours of the day passed by like a breeze, onyx was in the master bedroom on the second floor of the palace looking at the kingdoms from afar leaning over the rails of the balcony. Wearing her old patrol gi,the usual gold highlights were replaced by iron plates and the usual dark purple base was changed to a dark midnight black while her pants were a more darker shade along with her boots,since chivo burned her usual gi's this was her second option. She could only think of her father at the long silent moment with only herself to speak to, she merely wanted to forgive him for his sudden attack and destruction but with what he'd done she just couldn't forgive him so easily. Seeing the nice sunsetting sky on top of the far horizon of the volcano near teca, she can admit she might need to build an alliance with the neighboring kingdoms eventually but with her current status they wouldn't take her seriously even if she gave them the offer, she had no land, no citizens, and certainly no resources except those in her palace as renewable resources. And who would want to have an alliance with a oni/dragon/human like herself? Some of them would take it as some lame joke and others would find her ignorant and incapable of ruling but she was only called a queen because of drake and duke, she didn't have any royal blood in her veins which just made another point to her thought from before. She couldn't just become a queen just because some skulls said so that wasn't how things worked, if she made herself well known it would merely cause problems for her and her new comrades for only battle to come. The only way she saw it was to keep her location and her whereabouts a secret for the time being until she knows who she's capable of putting trust in, her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud rumble of a battle horn being blown from a distance onyx sat up and looked up at the sky trying to find the source of the sound and caught her eyes on a faint figure flying forward fast with four other large shadows flying towards the palace she rushed down towards the palaces entrance feeling her heart race at the possibilities of a possible threat coming now after merely a few days of peace and quiet, she pulled open the large doors and ran out of the palace and stopped in her tracks seeing the figure come closer to the palace, and reveal 4 large bird skeletons lifting up the large catapult like contraption from each corner being chained by thier claws thier flame ridden eyes staring down at the oni and on top was a familiar shadow of alicoris "well hello again darling" he said through a large bladed smile his unreadable eyes staring at her from above as they came to a stop only a few feet near her,her eyes darting from place to place as the dark being just grinned she didn't want this to happen now not ever but things always will catch her in the end with such choices she's made "I did warn you my dear that I will take your humanity and I'll be sticking with my word" he said and snapped his fingers making a shining white thread shoot at her, she didn't have proper time to react to such a thing especially with alicoris controlling the situation the ropes wrapped around her and lifted her up in the air as it wrapped around her mouth like a human sized muzzle making her incapable of calling for help and this was angelic rope so she was completely powerless against him with only panic in her heart just imagining what would happen if she was left in the hands of her worst enemy "ONYX!!!" Zatz? She thought feeling her heart slightly break seeing him and the rest of the gods run out of the palace with shocked faces seeing the oni tied up side down by a dark being who just laughed seeing thier faces in pure amusement. Onyx just stared at Zatz worried and dreaded face as he stared back at her feeling his heart drop seeing her like this "you gods did well at playing my little game and now it must come to an end starting with onyx! Meet my demands and no one gets hurt trust me darlings its better for you then for her!" He laughed and commanded the skeletons to fly off back to his lair, onyx just stared at the palace as he flew away with her she could just see some of them wanting to run or fly after her and some of them dragging them back to land. I hope they'll be alright without me.

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