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Onyx was managed to escape the heap of bones and went to find Zatz and his father but to no avail, this was harder than she thought it would be. She stopped in her tracks when she heard voices from the old library, that was were the monks would gather to look for all books about the oni, they were probably dusty since drake and duke didn't do thier weekly dusting, she walked through the door way seeing the torches dimly lit revealing the dusty shelves around the large lit room, on the walls were written the incantations of the old tongue from the dark ages, the oni tongue, most of it was profanity. She walked through the isles upon isles of shelves looking through each gap of books seeing that the many few were missing from the dusty shelves, that library probably held thousands upon thousands of books not including the ones the monks burned. She finally found them in the middle of the room at the old study table with a large pile of books between them as they read sharing a few things, she could see some familiar books like 'ancient japanese folklore' or 'oni biology' and even 'demon anatomy' what are they even doing reading these kinds of books she thought and walked up to the two silently and looked over thier shoulders as they read a long article about 'oni behaviors' ok this is getting susspecious she thought "ahem" she said and the two jumped in thier seats and turned to look at the girl behind them "how long were you there?" Zatz asked hiding the book under the table "long enough to know what you two were reading about" she said as she looked down at them "we apologize but we thought it would have been helpful if we knew more about your culture" camazotz spoke up facing the oni, that gave onyx some ease from her suspicion and decided to let thier oddness slide and discover more later, no one was ever interested in the oni culture except the old monks, it was a long time ago and the people of the world have forgotten the time of demons roaming the over world as it was merely an island of darkness from the past before it got split in half and got lost at sea. "I understand your curiosity, but I have come here to tell you that my father has made an unexpected visit and will be staying for dinner along with his guards so I suggest you two be careful, he can, be unpredictable" she said and figured her father would possibly try to kill them and use thier hearts for his selfish/selfless purposes. She found the doorway seeing the light entering from the other side of the doorway and into the dimly lit room, the bat rulers were confused for the most part since they knew nothing about her family or relatives but understood that if she was an oni than so was her father or maybe he was the human side of the family but better be safe then sorry.
She walked through the hallways in the quiet void echoing in such a minimum volume as she walked to the kitchen on the north side of the palace, the boneheads would barely do thier jobs around the palace and slack off all day and lended her the work. She walked through the doorway seeing the dark room and the nearly rusted materials laying around the marble counter,Ugh fine I'll just cook dinner she thought and got to work.

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