Birthday special!!

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Onyx's birthday was yesterday and I was off on a long trip and ps this is not cannon with the story line

It was a calm day in September but a important one at best, the bone heads planned a large celebration for the oni in secret setting up the whole party in the throne room cleaning it all out from its formerly dark interior and hanging up bright purple lanterns on the statues horns and some on the ceiling. The original plan was to keep it all a secret especially from the bat boys since in the past they usually had parties in secret with notes from her family members after she left, most of them would have came up with excuses saying they're busy or hope they'll arrive next year but all of it was baloney. But not this year, drake was rushing through the hallways holding a whole bunch of decorations for the party while duke was off trying to keep onyx busy, drake wasn't sure where the bat boys were but he did know that he had to hurry before onyx caught on with dukes distractions and stalling. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" Oh why?! The skeleton stopped in his tracks his bones slightly rattling from all the running he's been doing he turned around seeing Zatz leaning on the wall raising a brow at drake, "look it's very important at the moment so-bye!" He said and zoomed back to the throne room through the nearly shadow filled hallways but even if Zatz figured it out the party would have already been hosted and taken care of "drake, I know something's up" he stopped again seeing Zatz already at the door of the throne room with his arms crossed his red eyes lightly showing through the shadowed interior "ugh, I have no time forest this! If I tell you would you at least leave me to my work?!"


"It's onyx's birthday today and I e been setting up the party while duke keeps onyx busy but I'm pretty sure he can't stall for to long-"

-" it's onyx's birthday?"

The skeleton nodded and pushed past him and into the room, Zatz couldn't believe it, onyx was officially turning 16, he had to tell his papa about the news, and plus he has to get ready for the celebration. "I need to get all this set up asap, and don't you dare think abou-" but before he could finish his sentence Zatz was gone great just what I needed he grumbled to himself and made the throne room as oni friendly as possible with a few dragon themed decorations too and a few 'activities' since onyx was a quarter of oni and dragon she had to have some fun somehow and one of the planned activities was Lazer pointing which drake was looking forward to. But he had to focus on preperarions.


After all the hard work it was all set, during onyx's parties he and drake would always wear marching birthday ponchos to brighten her spirits along with thier popular distraction dance. He was admiring his work before hearing the doors open "so did we miss the party?" He turned around and saw the two bat boys walking in wearing fancy black tuxedos making drakes jaw drop "where did you boys even find those?"

"Let's just say we found some laying around"

He can't be serious! Drake could just mentally facepalm himself before hearing a faint stammering of drake from far off in the halls "Onyx is coming! Quick hide and I'll down the lights!" He said and took down every source of light thier was around the large throne room as Zatz and camazotz hid behind the omega statues

"Duke can you at least let go?!"

"Sorry your majesty but it seems like my claws are stuck in your boots"

She groaned and continued to walk forward in a huff trying to get the yammering skeleton off her boot as she dragged him across the floor hearing his rib cage rattle as the cracks on the floor rubbed against his bones the oni stopped seeing the dark throne room feeling a strong wave of awe and unfamiliarness wash over her mind but the usual feeling of the throne room didn't feel like the familiar calm withering feeling more like something was there secretly watching "Surprise" just as the words were said bright purple lanterns were lit revealing a all sorts of oni friendly decorations along with a few dragon stones here and there with small pieces of confetti falling from the ceiling and slowly hitting the floor "what's all this?" She asked and tilted her head seeing the boys in Texas and drake in a familiar poncho "Happy birthday your majesty" drake smiled and looked down at his brother who seemed relieved he didn't mess up the surprise and let go of her boot with a sigh getting up on his feet "so glad that's over" he mumbled. "So you boys did all this?"

"Indeed, but drake did most of the work since we didn't know" she figured that much since duke was a terrible liar during his time stalling her through the day but she could only chuckle at that and for the first time ever, genuinely smiled showing off her front fangs "well then, let's get this party started" and with that's she snapped her fingers and suddenly her natural purple gi turned into a night black suit with purple highlights and matching tie making everyone's jaws drop "so what are we waiting for boys? We have a party to start"

Happy birthday onyx!!

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