tough recovery

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"ONYX!" Everyone shouted and rushed over to the injured oni "what do we do!?" Duke said in panic and started floating around in circles as Zatz and his father assisted Onyx. This was something that never happened before in drake and dukes case, Zatz was never entirely prepared for something like this to happen on his second day of being there "we help and tend to her wounds" the general said and carefully lifted Onyx into a bridal style, he was anxious for the most part and kept thinking about the possibility of her attacking him on impulse. Drake hissed and wacked Duke upside the skull making him stop and glare at him, his unreadable gaze burning into Drakes memory "hey, are you two finished?" Zatz asked raising a brow at them in sarcasm seeing the two boneheads roll thier non existent eyes as they burned into a more darker blue, usually down in the underworld not many gods had healing experience and usually had to find the best compromise possible to fix thier wounds. "Fetch the med kit, we'll be in Onyx's room" General said and exited the arena seeing the large carvings on each side of the hall as his son followed. Zatz was worried for the most part but he hasn't felt like this in a while feeling a pang of guilt since he was witnessing the battle first hand along with his father, they entered the room remembering the feeling of the comfortable darkness surround them, Camazotz set Onyx down slowly making sure he didn't make a wrong move he might regret, an oni was one but a oni powerful enough to take down a whole army was another. They were creatures that weren't to be trifled with, especially in the dark, Drake and Duke then entered the room holding the med kit my thier mouths and put it on the nightstand next to the bed "we'll try to find as many herbs as possible in the green house" Duke said and they rushed off down the hall the familiar blue light dieing as they left. Zatz was now sweating bullets since he and his father have to get her bandaged up, general opened the med kit seeing a few small papers at the very bottom and some band-aids with two large rolls of gauze. He grabbed the rolls of gauze and carefully approached the oni feeling his anxiety flare up in his mind, Zatz could see through the worried barrier and went over to him and gave him a reassuring nod slowly opening the cross of her gi before both of them froze in shock, thier eyes wide and thier jaws agape. Staring at the numbers of scars on her chest along with the sword wound seeing the skin around it turn into a midnight black, this was not normal, she even had the upper half of a male. If she has a masculine chest doesn't that consider her a trans female? Zatz thought in confusion, if she had this many scars then she must have been a former fighter in war before she became a queen, they were mostly concerned about the large scar under her rib cage seeing the stitches in a crossed manner but done very neatly, then saw she had a surprisingly fit figure, they forced away those thoughts and carefully bandaged her up feeling her skin as cold as ice, oni's were naturally cold creatures and stayed in the darkness to stay that way but with such high temperatures they wouldn't last that long.
Drake and Duke came back with a whole basket of herbs like basil and rosemary being carried in a small basket, "this was all we could find" Drake said and gestured to the basked as Duke lowered in onto the nightstand, but one thing remained in the minds of them all.

With a queen out of commission, what will happen now?

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