A long story

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1 hour ago

"Mi amor, I highly doubt they'll be way out here" Cabrikan said as his wife was looking around the burnt area of the forest, earlier that evening they were ordered to find Zatz and Camazotz but the problem was that they haven't been seen in 2 days so if they were alive they would have returned back in the underworld. "I know that! But if we look around we could find a lead to where they went" Cipactli said and lifted up a burnt tree and threw it aside before the ashes flew into the air, kneeling down and glanced at the ground before seeing a few drops of gold on the ash covered ground, she knew they were out here since they were last seen in this location before a large explosion broke out burning this part of the forest. Camazotz was a friend of hers for a long time and she even went to his wedding but if he wanted to disapeare he would have left a clue to were he went, she dragged her fingers across the gold and looked down at her fingers before rubbing them together "they were here all right" she mumbled to herself then looked up seeing the burned area around them "oh really? Then how come they're- oh I don't know, not back in the underworld!" Cabrikan shouted stomping his foot on the ground making it shake below them, Cipactli was of course pissed at her tempered husband but this was what she got when she decided to marry the god of earth quakes, sometimes she'd have to remind herself why she loved him when he threw his tantrums and what he did when they fought off against Maya almost wanted her to leave him for 2 days before coming back to see him balling his eyes out and begging her to come back. "Because there might be a possibility they were kidna-no they might have been bat napped" she said they laughed at the ridiculous joke she made before going back into thier mature state "even if they were, they're gods they would just bust out or something?" Before Cipactli could say anything they heard voices from the distance coming closer along with seeing a bright blue light she dragged her husband into the nearest bush and poked thier heads out before confusion washed over them "Duke? why are we even out here?" The floating, blue flamed skull said looking over at the other "Because this is part of the perimeter so we have to scout this place too" the other one retorted back before digging his snout into the ashes covering his once white skull into a ashy black, his blue flamed eyes making the ashes almost look like blue burning embers. "why are you covering yourself in ashes?" He asked raising an imaginary eyebrow at the one who's name is Duke who was now at his floating level "if we get spotted by anyone we can just blend into the ashes, Drake" the one who was Drake shook his head before floating off ahead of him before duke dashed off and followed him "mi amor, what was that?" Cabrikan asked looking over to his wife, he usually would have attacked them either way but in this case he was too interested to do anything, sure he saw a lot of odd things in his time but talking floating animal skulls were another. He was used to bone and skull annoying the other gods with fake animal skulls as they placed them almost all over the place and pranked them for thier own personal fun before robbing them."I don't know but I think they might have something to do with Camazotz and Zatz's disepearence" she said before running out of the bushes and following the faint blue light of the talking skulls, he ran after her as fast as his short legs could carry him before coming to a stop. Staring at the large dark Palace before them, it sent a murderous vibe to it like Mictlans temple back in the underworld remembering the flame covered temple, he then spotted his wife also staring at it "we have to find some way in" she said before grabbing him by the collar of his armor "there!" She said and pointed at a window with a wide grin, she knew a few things about breaking and entering and rule 1: never go through the front door! it was considered a risky move, she ran to the side of the tall palace before making her husband climb the wall as she clung to his back. "you owe me big time" he said in a annoyed tone as Cipactli just chuckled as she held onto his back before finally reaching the window to see the bat rulers in a kitchen of some sort, she wanted to scold them for thier sudden disapearences before her husband laughed and spoke up "oi, muchachos!" As soon as they saw him they screamed and ran into the wall "oops, I think we broke them-" "-nonsense!" She climbed off his back and landed in the room looking around to see the nicely decorated kitchen along with the clean marble table.

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