morning together pt:2

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Every god was gathered around the dinning table as drake a duke served breakfast without mayas knowledge of thier existence since they figured she'd try to kill them as she jumped to conclusions about who they worked was a precaution but they had to know if she along with her companions could be trusted, they knew a few things about thier former lives as outcasts in thier kingdoms but if this was fate they decided to reveal themselves at the right time, the long table was covered in plates and large Delly platers covered in piles and towers of unique foods each given thier individual labels. The gods were surly enjoying thier feast of breakfast which was 'the best breakfast' they'd ever had in decades, camazotz was with drake and duke in the kitchen on the topic of onyx's father, after putting him away he was sentenced for 9 months in prison for

:Destruction of property
:Attempted murder
:Possible child endangerment
: plus breaking and entering

He was a dark being who stood against his own daughters claims of his crimes and ended up getting chewed out after all the damage he's caused with damaging the palace and putting zatz's life on the line when he didn't have a plan B. The man was oblivious and somehow he seemed to take it well, a little to well for his liking, it was like he knew something they didn't but what? 7 days of the bat rulers stay and it seemed like it was all going smoothly, Zatz could spend more time with his possible girlfriend, the gods had found refuge, drake and duke were alive, and onyx could properly earn the title of queen and with her father away without causing kaos it could almost be considered 'perfect'
"I don't know the guy can be a bit sceptical if you ask me" Drake said and leaned back in his chair as he looked over to Duke who was leaning his back on the counter as he drake a large coffee mug of orange juice, they were glad it was all over with how much everything happened it could be a dream they wondered would be a pleasant loop in thier heads. "Yeah true-wait who do you think would win in a fight? Her majesty or Cabrikan?"
Duke asked and looked over to his left were the general was quietly enjoying himself with his dark coffee in a small black mug which was usually in the very back of the cabinet "her majesty to the max! We both know she can beat him with no effort" Drake responded back confidently, he was positive of his claim which after knowing about the battle between lord Mictlan and Onyx it proved to them that she was a more powerful being then they suspected and that would have been the case but knowing her in the time of war gave them more of a perspective of how powerful she really was "maybe but knowing Cabrikan he would probably take any chances to win the battle with only blowing up everything to his advantage, Onyx on the other hand would use strategy and the mass amount of violence to her abilities as an oni" general plainly said and took a long sip of the coffee.

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