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She looked over the balcony seeing two bright crimson eyes stare down at her before snatching her from the room and embracing her in a right hug "I missed you Oxi!" the large dark man said walking through the balcony into the room, he let her go as she coughed and gasped for air, he was the type to suffocate people when hugging since the four armed man couldn't help it since it's been years since he's seen his little girl. Onyx wasn't the same little girl from all those years ago, she was mature and had a palace to run, he chuckled and tilted his head at her "yeah Dad I missed you too" she said, she didn't show much emotion towards the people around her since at a young age she thought that emotion was a sign of weakness. Her Father understood and could communicate on her level without offending her sense of secrecy, "good, anyway I'll be staying for dinner, oh and let my guards in they're at the front door" he said and exited the room, yep that was former lord Demic for you, one a being of chaos and pure evil now a cinnamon roll of burnt chicken nuggets. She sighed and kept her composer as she walked towards the front doors hearing the faint rattling of bones echoing from the door, it was normal for him to bring his skeleton soldiers with him almost everywhere he goes, she opened the doors seeing big tall armored skeletons with their red eyes glaring down at her, they walked right in leaving thier muddy footprints behind them, Onyx sighed and shook her head in annoyance. Skeletons had no hygiene in her opinion mostly because they were mostly used as soldiers or army generals because of how old and ancient they are let alone thier the most common species in the monster kingdom. I'll have to get Drake and Duke to take care of this she thought and whistled hearing the dense sound echo around the hallways before two speeding bone heads appeared from a bright blue flame hearing the familiar laughter of the chuckling boneheads. They would spend most of their time playing uno or chess, talking about random stuff, and thier love lives, she crossed her arms as the fire died down revealing the two wearing small top hats "oh hey your majesty!" "Hey!" They greeted in their usual cheerful behavior and bowed thier heads "I'm going to need you to clean this up while I prepare the dinner table" they nodded and dashed down the hallway before returning with mops and brooms

"don't worry we'll get this cleaned in a hot minute"

"Yeah, you go off and attend your duties"

they then dashed around me and attended the mess, Onyx was pleased and walked down the hallway were she found her father laughing with his soldiers about something, he would always make a fool out of someone for his personal entertainment and Onyx found it absurd but this was her father's behavior. Onyx walked up to the group before getting snatched and pulled into the circle of laughter getting her hair frizzed and fluffed up my strong clawed hands running through her hair hearing a loud hearty laugh as he let her go hearing the skeletons laugh with him, Onyx fixed her hair into its original shape and form as it shined in the dim light, she shook her head before letting out a yelp as a heavy foot stepped on her tail making her slightly jump and snatch her tail back blowing it off before it bruised feeling the uncomfortable swelling in her scales, she wasn't used to such a crowded space and preferred to be alone in a dark room then deal with this. She wanted to at least tell the others about her father's unexpected visit but to her avail she new about her duties and guests but new this wouldn't turn out so smoothly.

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