before dinner

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After several hours of cooking She did it, but she got a little carried away and mad several dishes but most of them were japanese cultured and were a famous delacesy, sushi, ramen, takoyashi, soba, miso soup, and her personal favorite tonkatsu. of a breaded, deep-fried pork cutlet. It involves coating slices of pork with panko (bread crumbs), and then frying them in oil, she looked at the dishes before her staring became a glare at such the consistent of work "drake, duke!" She shouted and a second later the bone heads appeared wearing ridiculous chip hats filled with salsa "hay! What gives? we were about to send off fireworks!" Duke said in an outrage glaring down at the girl, they were annoyed for the most part but right now they are going to be doing work either they like it or not, "you two can do that later but right now, I need your help to carry these dishes to the dinner table" she explained and gestured to the dishes, they gladly nodded and lifted two at a time carefully lifting them to the long dinner table seeing the old paintings on the left, most of them were of her great grand father and her grandmother but many few were of her father and her uncle fighting.but her favorite was of her family portrait but kept it covered in a thick brown cloth, she carefully brought the silver tray of Sushi to the left end of the table lighting the candles making the area around them more properly lit before lighting the chandelier above them Wich was decorated in long crystals being hung by thick tips of wire, drake and duke would eat up there on numerous occasions and would try to steal the dessert from under the table with any possible chance they got. They would even raid the cabinet for any snacks they could find, and they don't even have organs or a Brian so that seemed to break the laws of physics, she looked around the empty room before seeing her father enter through the large door way, and he was 7,5."what's cooking? H-homies?" Onyx raised an eyebrow at the large oni as he nervously smiles down at her "what?" "I'm sorry-just ignore that" she shook her head and made her way towards the door way "dad you'll be sitting at the end of the table" she said as she made her way down the hallway her footsteps echoing around the dense walls, her father would always cause trouble and blow stuff up since distraction was kind of his think and that he would try to be the best father he could be without being evil about it. She peered over the statues seeing thier eyes glint in the fires light of the dim hallway now were are they? She thought but a loud echoing scream answered her question as it echoed from wall to wall before turning into silence, she ran towards the sound and it led her to the old green house, that place was probably filled with man eating plants that would feast on human flesh and are the most fire resistant, she ran through the doorway seeing the many vibrant shades of green and blue and the hues of dark pink lighting the room seeing the many eyes on her. She heard another scream before stopping in her tracks seeing the bat boys being hung upside down by a long thick vine "how did this even happen?" She asked tilting her head at the two as they slowly spun in circles "we were looking for you and got dragged here by these plants" Zatz explained, onyx deadpaned and shook her head eventually I'll have to give them the tour of the place.

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