leaving to save

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After releasing Demic from his cell everyone was prepared to take thier leave after forming a plan, a few gods were going to stay behind in the palace while camazotz, Zatz, drake and duke, cabrikan, cipactli, and vucub were going to save onyx along with Demic. Zatz would have gone after Maya and ask for her assistance but with her current quest and how far she must be he left the idea alone and just focused on saving onyx, Demic was waiting outside of the palace for his new accomplises to gather all the supplies they'd need for the long journey to find onyx and get her back. "Alright I think we got all we need" camazotz said walking out of the palace with the others and Demic could just hear the faint clicking and rattling of bones from were he was standing, "you didn't need to grab all those extra bones we'll only be gone for a few days" duke said looking over at drake following shortly behind camazotz his purely blue flame burning through the faint shadow of the palace "I know, but might as well be prepared" drake insisted and walked ahead of his brother with a large toothy grin, duke always had to persuade his brother to pack less of what he needed whenever they got thier days off from being on duty, they usually would go camping or hiking in the golden mountains were they would have marshmallows together or at least prank a few barbarians while at it. "I agree, although I wouldn't have packed such useless items" vucub pipped up and looked over at the bone brothers holding a mid sized satchel around his neck, he mostly considered drake to be the immature sibling but noticing a few notable behaviors they would switch being the mature sibling on each subject. Nothing like bone and skull mechanics but nearly simulator despite thier unknown origins "mi amor I don't even know why we have to save her can't she just save herself?" Cabrikan asked looking over at his wife following behind the others, he didn't see the big deal in saving onyx he could have just taken over the palace himself and let him and his wife be the new rulers of gods despite thier protests and finally become the most powerful beings in the realms but without Maya to make that happen he'd have to settle on what he has to work with.

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