in the dark

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Meanwhile with onyx...

In the darkness it seemed like such shadow in her mind walking around in her conscious as the shadows loomed around her. It seemed familiar in a way she couldn't understand but it was like dashavu of some sort, she was puzzled for the most part as she kept walking through the shadows of the abyss, nothing but darkness, it wasn't natural for this kind of stuff to happen unless something was wrong or someone is planning something. Seeing only darkness didn't scare her as much as it used to back when she was still a little kid, the darkness only reminded her of her father's heart when he was still a warlord. She blankly stared at the dark floor below her only seeing her reflection, "Hahahaha" the bellowing voice echoed around her and onto the metalic floor, she stopped and looked up meeting the glowing eyes of her old friend, alicoris, also known as Al. He was a large red demon with deer features that give him away for when he tries to kill someone, his whole style was old fashioned and looked to be back in the 1990's his burning red eyes and his sharp toothed smile gleamed down at her his pupils dilated at the sight, "well I never thought you'd be out like a light darling" he always called people darling with such a statiking tone, his voice sounded like it came out of a speaker or a radio from the 90's "and what are you doing in my head demon?" She spat and glared dagurs at him as he chuckled and looked back down at her "oh you know exactly why my dear, I'm here for your humanity" she would give it to him even if he was the last person in the world, she knew he was capable of doing so much trouble and chaos in her life that it would lead to the point of death. "Never" she hissed and balled up her claws her ears raised like a rabbits and got in her battle stance "very well my dear, you chose the hard way" he madly laughed as his eyes became in wild blaze and the floor below her started dragging her down into the darkness, she roared and struggled against it, dark tentecale's grabbed her squirming limbs and dragged her deeper. She could feel her heart accelerate as she started to hyperventilate her eyes glowed in such shadows sinking her deeper as she yelled and pulled back against it before finally going under the surface, she couldn't here her own voice as she opened her mouth to speak only seeing the darkness consume her line of vision.

Back with the bat boys

Zatz woke up in the middle of the night hearing a loud sizzling noises sitting up on the long sofa looking around the dark room before seeing a fain purple light from the cracks in the door, with the feeling of curiosity he sneaked out of the room and followed the purple light and the loud sizzling sound and it led him to onyx's room as the sizzling hissed, he wasn't sure what to do at this point, go in and face a possibly furious oni or just it wait out and check on her another time. He turned to leave before hearing a rumbling roar, he immediately turned back around and swung open the door seeing a purple flame on the bed tossing and turning revealing a balled up figure Onyx he slowly came closer seeing her holding her tail close to her chest hearing silent sobs coming from the flame blazed oni. He never knew the most calmest people could have such nightmares, he slowly reached out And ran his fingers through the blazed hair and was greatly surprised when he wasn't burned, it just felt warm, he sat down on the edge of the bed and put a hand on her claw making her grab it in a gentle grip never thought the third most powerful person I've ever met would have such a hard impact he thought and pulled her into a soft hug feeling her tense muscles relax from the contact and could feel her fire dieing down, he looked at her hair and saw the purple flames die from head to tail, this was comfortable,but he couldn't sleep here.


He ended falling asleep there

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