Tantrum of warlords

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After Demic's near to death explosion everyone made it out of the forest and looked and moved forward as the journey continued. Everyone was wondering where the Bone head went with the large oni before seeing the two nearby with Demic blasting his anger away as he shouted profanities whit the bonehead watching from afar making sure the large oni didn't blast him into piece's but if he counted 321 pieces of he counted his bones correctly, "Darn you Shark boy!!" The sooty colored man shouted in pure rage before blowing a tree into nothing but flames making the purple flames glow and light up the sky into smoke, this made Vucub annoyed, he wanted to stop him but knowing the oni he would probably kill him with ease and even worse the oni wasn't even aware of what he was doing to the animals way of life in the area. Benthlamaari knew he would be furious but he didn't expect this, Onyx was one personal topic for the former warlord but he honestly preferred to look back on the past of her life but mostly his time with her when she was still a kid before she left for war. "When your father hears about this you'll find your head on my wall!" He shouted and yet again blew up another tree, oh gods I completely forgot Benthlamaari thought feeling his heart shatter at the thought, he completely forgot to tell his father were he went and were he is. Knowing his dear old dad he was probably searching the sea for him while his brother was probably off enjoying his absence. How was he going to reach out to his father? And how was he going to help Onyx if he was off worrying about himself? No, he was going to focus on saving Onyx first then get in contact with his father but then again he could use his father's army for assistance to retrieve Onyx but knowing his brother he'd probably try and sabatage his plan so he then decided to leave it be and focus on Demic's tantrum "Demic! You'll burn down the whole forest and make a  forest fire! It'll be to dangerous to escape or try to find a way out!" Camazotz shouted at the former war lord "Fine! Then i'll-"

"-No! Your not going to be doing anything else until you calm down! Your putting our lives on the line and your about to make the whole forest burn to ashes! If you want to save Onyx you'll have to stop and move forward instead of having a tantrum, this won't help Onyx or you!" Zatz shouted back at the Oni making his anger falter, this was his moment of anger but he did want to save his daughter more than anything.

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