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Sorry my wifi was out for a few days but it's back on so on with the show!!

"Arrg! My father's on his way here" she said as her purple flames extinguished and turned back into her snowy white natural color. She didn't want her father to get involved with her business mostly after everything that happened earlier that day, knowing him he would bring his toughest skeleton soldiers for back up just in case something he's planning goes wrong. He slowly slid back over to her as she just looked down at her claws "why?" "Because he knows about my oni form and I suspect he's going to try and trigger it to witness it himself" she said in a more bitter tone, he was awestruck at her father's possible action, after the night at dinner the guy seemed to be a sort of great guy, but hearing a few things from drake and duke a while back just sent shivers down his spine.onyx wasn't going to let her father get the best of her since she was stubborn as an ox Wich is how she got her nickname but sadly for her, her father was the same, which concluded he'd do anything to make her embrace her anger even if it meant loosing a few lives in the process.

With the Zatz

Flashback:this took place before 'mornings'

The bat prince woke up to see drake and duke smiling down at him from above "what you dreaming about?"
"I was dreaming my papa was getting murdered" he mumbled and looked over to his left seeing the empty space in the bed so he suspected his father was already up "oh ok, cool, cool, so what ya-" before drake could finish his sentence a pillow was thrown at him and fell to the floor, Zatz wasn't sure how long he's been asleep but if the twins were up around this time then it was possibly past morning and the beginning of noon or so. He got out of bed,put on his armor and was led to the kitchen seeing his father at the stove "greetings papa" he said and walked over to the marble table seeing the nice material "morning mijo" was all the king said as he mainly focused on the pancake batter on the frying pan, Zatz took his seat and was wondering if the boneheads could answer some of his questions about onyx but wasn't sure if they were willing to talk behind thier queens back but so far it was worth a shot "so, what can you tell me about onyx?" He asked, drake looked over to him from the doorway and his grin widened as he floated over to the table "she is a calm and collected person so you don't have much to worry about" he said "yeah, unless you have a bone to pick with her then it might be a problem" duke budded in making Zatz look over to the other skull " how so?" He asked, if he knew more about her he could avoid picking bones with her if possible, knowing more about a person could help him gain a possible ally the correct way to make sure there were no problems to cause "well she doesn't sleep much so she could get irritated easily, especially when it's oni season" oni season?
"is it like mating season?"
"oh no! It's more complicated, oni season means that young oni's around her age would go through tough changes, they'd become full blooded oni and would be very, destructive" he said and floated over to them looking down at the table his blue flame dieing down into a more pale color "so it's puberty" "sort of but I guess that's another way to say it" drake said and the three could hear the slight echo of footsteps outside the kitchen revealing a tired, messy haired oni in the doorway,
"So your majesty now that were on the topic we have to go" drake and duke then dashed out of the room leaving the oni, and the bat rulers in the kitchen.

Back in present time

After all that has happened it has led to this,
The bat prince was now with the heros of the prophecy, face to face with his crush-i mean possible lover and was getting a sword pointed at his face oh gods.

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