mystery girl.

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*Kaia's POV*

Today is officially the first day of classes and I actually want to die. Of course I made the freshman mistake of choosing an 8am class and I am facing the consequences of that this morning. Luckily my schedule today is pretty light.

My family left last night after helping me unpack and get situated. I have a roommate, all freshman do, but at least mines pretty awesome. Her name is Elise, we got to know each other some this summer. We get along really well and are practically best friends at this point.

Elise is from a sorta small town in Nebraska so she's not really familiar with how things are here. I grew up in West Des Moines so it's not that far from campus. We met online after we stalked each other with roommate assignments, we kinda sorta just clicked.

I finally finished getting ready for class. I grabbed my bag, my water bottle, and my keys and head out the door. I start walking to my first class. It's just a Gen-Ed so I don't see many juniors or seniors, just a bunch of new kids.

Thank god the class is almost over, that was an unbearable 1 1/2 hours. I grab my stuff and head to the library to get some work done before my next class, which is Marketing and Finance. I think I want to go into the Digital Marketing field out of college, so currently that's what my schedule is filled with.

I was lucky enough to complete a few college classes while in my senior year of high school, so I only need a two more Gen-Ed's, the rest is for my major. My Marketing and Finance class isn't until 11:45 so I have some time. I decide to head to a café on my way to class since I haven't ate anything.

I decide to get just an iced coffee and a croissant to go. I finally make it into my class and take a seat, I'm not too far in the back, but there's still a few people behind me.

"Alright folks, I am your professor for this semester, Dr. Klithermus, you can just call me Dr. K. Today we will begin with some notes" said Dr K.

Great, this is going to be an excruciating 2 hours.

I decide I should probably actually do the notes since it's the first day of class and I don't want to be falling behind already.

"Alright, that's it for today. Go ahead and get on outta here!" Dr. K. says.


I start walking out of the lecture hall trying to decide if I wanna go back and chill at the dorm or to the library when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find a tall, brunette in a lot of Iowa clothes staring at me.

"Hey, uh I was wondering if you had done the notes? If so could you send them to me? Here i'll give you my number." the figure says.

I can't even think right now, all I can do is stare into the dark orbs looking directly at me, scanning my features.

"Oh um, yea sure." I say, flustered. "Here." I say, handing her my phone.

As she enters the number, I can't help but notice the slight grin she has on her face, like she was glad. Maybe because she found a freshman to do her work for her. I need to stop convincing myself every person I bump into is in love with me.

"Here you go, don't be a stranger!" she said. I still never got a name, I look down at my phone as she walks away. Great, she didn't even put her name. I decided to just go back to the dorm to chill since I didn't have anymore classes today.

I lay down on my bed and decide to scroll on my phone for a bit. I finally muster up the courage to text her.
mystery girl.
attachment x3
here are the notes
                           from today.
also i never got your

Thanks, also let's keep
that a mystery. ;) see you
next class

Great now I still have no clue who she is. I decide to go on Instagram to pass some time, but I can't seem to stop wondering who she is. I open the Iowa WBB story and start clicking through.

No way. No freaking way.

It was her. Right there. Front and center. A selfie posted on the Women's Basketball story, a takeover. I click on the tagged person and I find out her name. Caitlin Clark, the Caitlin Clark. I decided to follow her to see if she would notice.

A few hours pass and still nothing. I just decide to go to bed since I have to be up sorta early tomorrow and I would prefer to not be moody in the morning. I turn off my light, set my alarm and head to bed.

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