cold pizza.

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*Kaia's POV*

"Baby I'm home, I also got you a Dr. Pep- where did you go?" I hear Caitlin call out from the kitchen as she sets down the food.

"I'll be out in a second, I got- uncomfortable?" I called back, the first thing coming out of my mouth.

"Well I'm on the couch now."

"Okay, I'll be out in a second." I called from the bedroom as I quickly finished fixing my hair and tying the string to my silk robe. I walked out of the bedroom, sneaking up on Cait as she sat back on the couch scrolling on her phone.

I reached my hands over the back of the couch, running them over her shoulders and down her chest, feeling her sports bra through her casual tee. I gently pressed a few kisses to her jaw before whispering in her ear.

"Close your eyes baby."

I quietly made my way around the couch, slightly slipping the robe off of my shoulder. A small sliver of tanned skin and lace peeking through, I take a slight step closer to Cait, closing the gap between us.

"You can open," I started, Caitlin slowly opening her eyes, taking me in. "I thought, since we're starting the process of getting pregnant, it would only be fitting."

Her gaze ran all over my body, drinking me in like I was a treasure. She reached for my hand, grabbing it and pulling me onto her, straddling her. She gently tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, her soft lips enclosed on mine. She pulled back for a second, taking me in once again.

"What about the food?" she questioned. I could tell she didn't actually care about the pizza anymore, but she had a point.

"Hush, that's a later problem." I replied as she kissed me once again. Her hand ran across my jawline, moving my hair out of her way before she started on my neck. A swarm of butterflies hit my core, my hands roaming her body needing to feel her.

My hips gained a mind of their own, slowly grinding against her thigh trying to gain any friction they could. Her hands traveled their way down my back, resting on my hips as my movements quickened. My breathing picked up as her mouth continued to work on my chest, discarding the robe as she made her way lower and lower.

I felt Caits hands tighten against my hips, gently lifting me off her thigh. The loss of friction against my center caused me to let off a soft whimper.

"Oh sweet girl you miss me already?" Caitlin asked as she laid me on my back, towering over me. How badly I wanted to think of a snarky comeback, but before I could her lips returned to my breasts, working their way around the lace barrier.

She slowly made her way down my body, her tongue leading the way towards my clothed center. She stopped at my stomach, taking her time peppering kisses.

"God I love you so much." She started between kisses, "You're so fucking beautiful."

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, my face stained a shade a crimson. I tucked my face into my elbow trying to bury it as far as I could. Her lips trailed down the center of my stomach, stopping just before the lace. I rolled my hips forward in a pathetic attempt to gain friction, letting out a slight whine at my failure.

"Oh love, you'll get what you want soon." Caitlin replied letting off a smirk. She knew I was getting frustrated, but it seemed to only fuel her more.

"Baby please." I whispered, my face burning red with both embarrassment and frustration.

"Please what baby? I need words."

"I need you." I said breathlessly. "Please."

"There's my girl." She replied as she slowly slid the lace down my thighs, gracefully discarding them somewhere in the room. She dove back into my thighs, placing soft kisses up towards my center. Her tongue gently pressed against my clit, my legs quickly tightening around her head. My hands found her hair like a magnet as my eyes shut, the feeling like no other.

She quickened her pace while still taking her time, licking and sucking just perfectly. I felt myself getting closer and closer, my moans echoing all throughout the empty house.

"Fuck Cait, I'm so close." I managed to work out between moans. The pressure building in my core begging to be released as she continued, my cries of pleasure deepening as my release came quick. I felt Cait's hands make their way around my thighs, grabbing them to loosen the hold they had on her head. I didn't even realize I had her trapped.

"Holy fuck Cait." I mumbled out of breath, she kissed her way back up my body, her hand gliding up my thigh in unison. She paused right before reaching my center, her face hovering over mine. I could see myself dropping down her chin.

"You did so good my love." She said before gently kissing my lips, her fingers rubbing circles to my sensitive clit. My breath hitched as she continued, her lips passionately on mine. I could taste myself on her, she was in heaven. Her mouth quieting my moans as she thrusted two fingers into me deeply. She built up a rhythm, watching me closely as she brought me towards a release. I came quickly as her mouth worked on my neck, hitting every sensitive nerve she could.

She brought her hand back up towards her face, her fingers glistening in my cum. She took her fingers and gently placed them in my mouth. I cleaned them off slowly, my tongue working perfectly to get every last bit, maintaining eye contact knowing it only turned her on further.

"Fuck I love you Kaia." Caitlin said before placing a kiss to my lips.

"I love you too." I said before gently shutting my eyes. "But I am hungry."

"I know love, c'mon let's go get cleaned off and in bed." Cait said as she stood, reaching her hand out to mine. I grabbed hers, lacing my fingers with hers as we made our way to the bedroom and got cleaned up.

I changed into an oversized tee, one that I most likely stole from Cait years ago, and got cozied up into bed snuggling into the pillows. Cait walked back into the room with the pizza box and my delicious Dr. Pepper.

"Ugh you are literally so amazing." I said, dramatically rolling my eyes and reaching my hands for the soda. I was starving and craving a Dr. Pepper more than ever. Caitlin just shook her head and laughed as I started chugging the drink like a deprived toddler.

She climbed into bed, pulling me in to rest on her chest as we watched a random romcom and ate our cold pizza. I couldn't help but start to picture our little family. Nights like this, my big 'ole bump and late night cravings, spending time together after finally putting the baby to bed.

I was so ready for that life with Caitlin, and soon enough we were going to have it.

did you miss me?

i finally got the motivation to finish a chapter! wooooo!!

anyways hope you guys enjoyed. i'm so ready to get to their future so i can escape reality and just live in their world forever!

love you guys! mwah!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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