miss you.

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*Caitlins POV*

I went this morning to get some extra shots up, and am finally back at the apartment. I'm glad that Kaia was able to go see Elise today since she's been here a lot recently.

I'm sitting on the couch doing some homework when she walks back into the apartment. My face lights up at the sound of her voice.

"Hi baby." she says walking over to me.

"Hi. How was your walk?" I say with a smile.

"Good. How was shooting?"

"Good." I say before giving her a kiss.

"What class is this?" she asks looking at the computer.

"Principal's of Marketing. It's not due for a while, just wanted to get a jump on it because of basketball." I said.
She walks away before coming back to the couch to sit with me. She hands me an iced coffee. "Thank you my love."

She lays down on the couch with her head in my lap scrolling on her phone while I finish my work. She fell asleep so I decided to look at the nearest dog shelter in town on my laptop.

I've always been a huge dog person and I know Kaia has too, so I think I'm gonna surprise her with a puppy. I find a dog that both of us will love and schedule an appointment to meet her and hopefully bring her home.

After I let Kai sleep for 30 minutes, she wakes up hungry. I go into the kitchen and start making some pasta, which I know she wants because she always wants pasta.

We eat lunch together before I have to get ready to leave. We have an away game tomorrow against Kansas St. and we won't be back until Friday since it's a 6 hour ride. Kaia knows that, but she doesn't seem super upset, she's just glad I get to play.

I start packing my clothes for the trip as Kaia sits on my bed. I can tell she's feeling something so I get up and make my way over to her. I stand in between her legs and pull her in for a hug before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm gonna miss you." she says, still holding onto me.

"I know. I'm gonna miss you too." I say before pressing another kiss to her forehead.

"Don't go? Just stay in bed with me all day?" she says, leaning back with a convincing smile.

"You know I would bring you if I could, but I have to go." I say as she begins to pout. I cover her face in kisses until she starts laughing.

I finish packing my bag and she starts to help, making sure I have everything I need. Every time I have to pack, she goes into "Mom Mode" and it's so cute. We walk into the living room after packing, Monika waiting for me down at her car. We hug for a while, not wanting it to end.

"Go be great. I'll be watching from your bed. I love you."

"*Our bed. I love you more, and here are my keys if you need them. Be safe!" I say turning away.

"Be safe!" she says back, giving me a kiss before I can actually walk away. I make it down to the car and we load our stuff in before making it to the arena where we will load onto the bus.

"Is Kaia okay? She seemed off this morning?" Monika asked.

"Yeah, she's just bummed she couldn't come tomorrow, but I know she'll still find a way to watch." I reply.

We get to the arena and load the bus with the rest of the team. We start the drive down to Kansas and I pull out my laptop to watch some film of our previous games.

*time jump*

After a very long bus ride we finally made it to the hotel that we will be staying at. I text Kaia to let her know that we made it safely. I also texted Elise asking to take extra care of her this week and love on her. I also let her know she can stay at the apartment with her.

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