dance with me.

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*Kaia's POV*

It's been a day since the party incident happened and Cait still hasn't spoke about it. I've never seen her so mad before. After we got home from the party she helped me get cleaned off and to sleep. She stayed by my side and hasn't woke up yet. I'm actually a little worried because I don't know how she feels.

I can feel the hold she has on my waist, not wanting to let me go. I stay in her arms until she wakes up.

"Hi." I say to her as she slowly wakes up. I take my hand and fix a piece of hair in her face.

"Hi, what time is it?" she asks, her voice raspy.


"Oh." she says placing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"Are we okay?" I ask.

"Of course. You said it wasn't your fault so I don't blame you. I should've stayed with you." she says looking in my eyes. I feel a relief to know that she wasn't mad at me, but I don't want her blaming herself. I press a kiss to her cheek before going to get out of bed.

I walk into her kitchen and start to get the stuff to make pancakes out of the cabinet. Caitlin walks in, dragging her feet like normal.

"I'm gonna take Luna on a walk okay?" she says.

"Oh babe, your hair." I say laughing. She turns and starts to walk over to me, roughing up my hair before giving me a kiss.

"Now we're twins!" she says before taking Luna outside.

She gets back and the pancakes are ready. I also made her some eggs because my girl likes to eat. She sits at the island and eats while I wash the dishes. She finishes her plate and sits with me while I eat mine, playing with my hair.

*time jump*
*Before Christmas Break*

"Hey what's the plan for break?" I ask Caitlin while sitting on the couch. My legs were spread over hers while watching t.v.

"I was thinking we go back home, spend some time with my family and your mom and sister, but I still have practice after Christmas, so we come back and celebrate New Years here with the team, if your okay with that." she says while her hands trace my thighs.

"Sounds perfect." I reply with a wide smile on my face. I love it when she plans stuff.

*A few days later*

I'm in the room packing our stuff for the trip. Sorting through Caitlin's stuff is no joke, and of course I still have to finish wrapping gifts. I'm finishing up stuffing the suitcase when I hear the door open. Luna is a little older now so she gets up to go check out who it is.

"I'm back baby. Luna!" I hear from the kitchen.

"I'm in here C. Just finished packing, now I have to wrap gifts." I say. I hear her footsteps into the room as she has Luna in her arms. My two babies. "Do you wanna get Luna's stuff packed for the ride? And then you can shower."

"Of course baby." she says giving me a kiss before searching for Lunas things. I wrapped the gifts to her family and mine from us both, waiting to wrap hers and Monika's while she was in the shower. We have a tree set up here for when all of us get back and Luna's stocking is already under the tree.

We get everything packed and loaded into the car before starting the drive down. Caitlin had to put on her Christmas playlist, she loves the holidays.

We arrived at her parents house and started to unload the car. We got everything in the house and hung out with her family before we all started putting up and decorating the tree.

We realized it was snowing outside so Caitlin and I decided to go outside together. We walked down the streets and talked for a while.

"Dance with me." Caitlin whispers.


"Dance with me love." she says pulling my arms, wrapping them around her neck. We start to dance as the snow falls, she spins me around , pulling me back in. She tucks my hair behind my ear, gently, before pulling me into her. Her lips pressed against mine.

I didn't want this moment to end, I just wanted to be wrapped in her embrace forever. Her hand moves to my cheek, deepening the kiss. I can't help but smile against her lips. She pulls back for a second to catch her breath. She leans back into mine, pausing right before my lips.

"I love you so much Kaia." she whispers against my lips, pressing a kiss gently.

"I love you Cait." I say back, smiling. We kiss again and she grabs my hand as we make our way back to the house. We get inside and Cait heads into the kitchen to make some Hot Chocolate. I take off my layers and head to the counter.

I place my hands on the counter, pushing myself up to sit on it. Caitlin finishes making the cups and walks towards me, making her way between my legs. She hands me the cup before setting hers down on the counter. Her hands place on my thighs, slowly running up and down. I look down at her hands, noticing how good they look.

"Baby." I whisper, gasping as her hands get closer to my center. Her face looking at mine.

"Hmm?" she says licking her lips. I grab her face and pull her in for a kiss. Her arms wrap around my back, pulling me closer to her. She lifts me off the counter, wrapping her arms around me.

She carries me through the house and up to her old room. Thankfully everyone else is asleep for the night because I can't keep my mouth off her. We make it into her room and she instantly grabs at my shirt to take it off.

I can feel her hands climbing up and down my skin. I lay myself down on her bed, as she stands in front of me. She grabs at her shirt, pulling it off and throwing it somewhere. All I can focus on is her, the way her abs flex when she takes her shirt off. Her arms flex as she comes back down over my body. She meets me at my lips before kissing her way down my body.

*Caitlin's POV*

Kaia is laying on the bed, her body under mine. I start to kiss down her body, taking my time as her body jumps with each touch. She wraps her legs around my body forcing me close to her. I look up at her as her hands land on my head, pushing me down.

"God you're so desperate." I say to her before pressing kisses to her clit through her pants. She rolls her eyes before tugging at her pants.

"You know you want me baby." she says as I help her take them off. She's right. I want her so bad. I kiss the insides of her thighs before making my way to her clit.

I start to kiss and circle her clit as she starts to run her hands on my back and through my hair. Picking up my tempo causes her to grab a fist full of my hair, squeezing as her body reaches a climax. I slowly make my way up to her neck, placing many kisses to her collarbone.

"Mhm baby, god you taste so good." I say between kisses working my way up her neck. She lets out a little moan like it turned her on. She runs a hand up my body, to my throat as she gets up. She pushes me down onto the bed as she gets on top of me, her legs on either side of me.

"Say it again baby." she says, her hand still gripped around my throat. She positions my face up towards hers, before she starts to kiss on my jaw.

"You taste so good." I say breathless. I place my hands on the back of her thighs, running them up and down as she kisses on me. She looks at me with hunger in her eyes. "You look so pretty baby."

"You feel so good baby." she says rolling her eyes back. I place my hand on her hips as she slowly starts to grind against my skin. Fuck.

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