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*Caitlin's POV*

A few weeks have passed since we went to go meet each others families. Kaia has been struggling a little bit because of the things her father had said about her. Tonight is our game against Drake and I know Kaia is coming. She loves our games, especially when the away games are still close.

I'm letting her drive my car down since it's only a couple hours away. We still won't leave until tomorrow around 11am so at least I will get to see her before she goes to class. I want to give her something to show my love and appreciation for her since she's been pretty down.

I head to the nearest target to get all of her favorite snacks and candy. I grab a pack of Dr. Pepper, a bag of Boom Chicka Pop, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, Nerds Gummy Clusters, and Kit-Kats. I decide to get a basket to put in all of it and then a cute card that has a doodle of a bouquet of flowers on the front.

I head back home to the apartment and hide all the snacks in a drawer in Monika's room. Tomorrow morning I am going to get her some flowers and then I have 2 packages coming in today with the rest of her gifts. I love spoiling my girl.

I head to practice with Mon and in the locker room I start to put my shoes on.

"So how's everything been lover girl? Is she coming to the game tomorrow?" Monika says.

"Yes. Everything's been good actually. Thankfully we haven't had many far away games yet." I reply. I don't know how well Kaia will do when we're gone for a few days with our far games.

We head into practice and do a bunch of scrimmaging against the boys practice team and each other. We also run over a few plays. I stay after to get a few shots up but before, I decide to call Kaia and FaceTime her while doing so since she's out of class.

I grab my AirPods and put them in before calling her. It picks up after a few rings.

"Hi cutie." she says as the call connects with a smile. She's sitting in her bed doing homework.

"Hello pretty. I just wanted to call you and let you know that I am staying after and getting up some extra shots, but then I'll be on my way to get you." I say.

"Okay. Set the phone up." she says. I go and set the phone up against the pole of the basket and begin taking shots. We continue on our conversation while I do so.

"Caitlin Clark from the logooooo!" she says in my ear as I shoot a few steps past half court, making it of course.

"You know me baby." I say shrugging my shoulders before we both start to laugh. I finish up and head to the locker room, Kaia still on the phone. We're on the phone the whole way to her dorm. She gets down to my car.

"Hello my love, you look beautiful as always." I say kissing her hand as she sits down.

"Cait I'm literally in a giant sweatshirt and shorts. I look like a 12 year old boy." she says.

"Still beautiful." I say as she rolls her eyes and smiles. We get back to the apartment and eat a quick dinner together, Kaia watching t.v. as I finish up some homework. Kaia ends up falling asleep with her head in my lap on the couch while I finish up my last few problems. I close my laptop and pick her up, carrying her to the bed.

I lay her down and give her a quick kiss before heading back to clean up. I get back and take a quick shower before climbing into bed with her and heading to sleep myself.

*Kaia's POV*

I woke up and walked out of the room. Cait was already gone because they had an early morning weights/conditioning session before their game today and then she had a class. I walk out to the kitchen to see she made breakfast. A big pan of French Toast Casserole sitting on the counter. It's her favorite that her mom makes and it is really good.

I eat and then go wash my face and brush my teeth before heading into Caitlin's closet to steal another hoodie to wear today. Her hoodies are just better, plus they smell like her. I go to the library to do my online class and then do some extra homework.

After a few hours of studying it's past 11, which is when they left for their game. Cait's letting me borrow her car to go down with Elise since she doesn't want me driving at night by myself.
We just left for
I love you K. Let
me know when
you guys are leaving

                                   okay. good luck, i
                                   love you. see you
I walk back to my dorm to get ready before heading to her apartment to get the keys for her car. I put my hair back in a braid and do some light makeup. I'm wearing a cute activewear romper with a jacket, and my converse. Ellie and I begin our walk to the apartment.

We walk through the door and on the counter is flowers, a basket of snacks, and 2 cute packages. I read the card sitting on the counter first.

"I know you have had a rough couple of days so I wanted to remind you how important you are to me. Thank you for being in my life and being mine. I love you Kaia Brooks. See you tonight. <3 -C"

She is such a good person, I am so glad she's mine. I open the first box and it's a necklace with a dainty C on the side of it. I immediately put it on knowing I will not be taking it off. The next box has a distressed looking black crewneck in it that says Iowa on the front and Clark 22 on the back. I lift it up and notice something on the sleeve. In yellow string there is "9/4/22 💛" embroidered on the sleeve. I take off my jacket and put the hoodie on.

We grab her keys which I've noticed she keeps polaroid picture of me on it because she's such a cutie. We make the drive down there and I text her letting her know I got her stuff and was super happy. We make it to Des Moines and find our way into the stadium.

We're sitting close to the front but still tucked away in the middle. The game begins and Cait had a little bit of a rough outing. She ended up getting in her rhythm pretty quickly shooting many shots. They ended up winning the game in overtime. We make the way back home and get back around the same time as Caitlin.

We head to the arena to pick her up and take her back home. We dropped Elise off and went back to the apartment. We make our way into the house.

"You did so good tonight babe. I'm really proud of you." I say.

"Thank you. I see you really enjoy your gifts." she says. I give her a big kiss on her lips as she hugs me.

"Why the gifts?"

"Because my girl deserves to be spoiled and loved." she says. It felt so good to hear her call me hers.

"I love you C."

"I love you." she says giving me a forehead kiss before taking a shower and then heading to the room where I was laying. We both quickly fall asleep after being so tired from all the driving today.

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