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*Kaia's POV*

It's Friday night and Cait just got done with practice. They aren't practicing again until Sunday night so this trip actually worked out perfectly. I've been at the apartment since 2pm packing for not only Cait but myself. She lets me keep some of my clothes with her since I've been hanging out 25/8.

"I'm back pretty girl." she says walking through the door.

"I'm in the room, almost done packing your bag." I call out to her. She walks through the door and places a kiss to my forehead. She grabs some clothes and a towel and heads to take a quick shower. I begin packing my bag, filling it was outfits, pjs, my skincare and makeup and a few things for my hair. She walks back into the room while I'm shoving the stuff into the bag.

"How are you feeling about seeing your family?" she asks.

"I mean, I'm excited because I haven't seen my sister in a while, but also anxious." I say.

"Well I'm with you regardless of what happens." she says pressing a kiss to my lips. We grab all the last things we could need for the road trip, including snacks. We head down to the car, pack up and get ready to go. I put on some music for our first few minutes of the trip.

*Caitlin's POV*

We're in the car headed down to Kaia's parents house. I'm currently driving while she's passed out in the passenger seat. She fell asleep not even 10 minutes into the trip, but she is still holding my hand. I kiss her knuckles and take a quick picture at a red light.

I keep on driving the way to West Des Moines. After about 45 minutes Kaia starts to wake up.

"Well good morning sleepyhead." I say squeezing her hand. She lets out a soft giggle covering her face with her arm. "Do you want to stop somewhere and get some food?" I ask her. She nods yes and we decide to stop at Chipotle.

We head inside and order our food. She got a burrito bowl and I got a quesadilla. We quickly ate our food and stopped in the bathroom before continuing the drive.

"You are so cute." I say to her. She's wearing a pair of grey sweatshorts, a white tank, and a matching grey hoodie that she stole from my closet on the side. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek as we get closer to our hometown.

Kaia and I both grew up in West Des Moines but we went to different schools, not to mention we're in different grades so we
never knew each other well. I'm not really nervous to go meet her family, but I am just a little bit worried for her since she doesn't know how her parents will react. Luckily if something does go bad we can just stay at my house.

We were already planning on spending time meeting both mine and her families, but just incase. My family was very accepting of my sexuality, which is surprising because I did go to a catholic high school.

As we get closer to our destination I can tell that Kaia is starting to get really nervous. I rest my hand on her thigh, giving a small squeeze to let her know I'm still there. I feel bad because she is really nervous about this interaction.

*Kaia's POV*

I get a text from Ellie basically telling me that she loves me and everything will be okay and to let her know when we get there. I am starting to get nervous about what's going to happen, but I have to remember things happen for a reason and Cait's here no matter what.

We get closer to the house and I start to feel like I'm going to get sick. I let Caitlin know so she can pull over. She rushes out of the car and over to my side to comfort me after I throw up.

"I'm okay baby. I promise." I say to her knowing she's worried.

"Kaia, you just threw up because your so nervous." she replied.

"I promise." I say giving her my pinky. Caitlin is very serious about her pinky promises and I know it will relieve her some. We finish the drive and pull up to the house. We get out and begin the walk up to the front door. I take a deep breath in before knocking on the door.

"Kaia. Hi sweet girl. I didn't know you were coming today." my mom says as she gives me a hug. "And who is this sweet face?" she says talking about Caitlin.

"Oh, um. Can we come inside first?"

"Sure." she says letting us into the house. We left our stuff in the car to allow for some time to have this conversation. We sit down in the living room across from my mom and dad.

"So, mom, dad." I begin to say. I look at Cait to try and find some comfort. "Caitlin, um. She's not just a friend." I say. My moms look changes to a look of confusion, my dad still not comprehending.

"Okay sweetie?" my mom says. Caitlin offers me a comforting look.

"She's my girlfriend." I blurt out. My moms expression changes. I can't read it, I can always read her expressions. My dad sits on the edge of the chair, with his elbows rested on his knees.

"So? How long?" I hear my dad begin to question.

"We met back in August. It wasn't official until September 4th." Caitlin says for me. She grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze. I look down at my legs to avoid eye contact. My dad wasn't always the most understanding growing up, so I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me now.

"We still love you Kaia, you know that right?" my mom says reaching for my hands. I lift my head up and look her in the eyes. I give a quick nod and a glance at Caitlin.

"So, Cait's actually from West Des Moines also. We'll probably visit her family tomorrow before we head back to school." I say. I give my mom a hug. But of course she has to pull out all the old photos of me to show Cait.

We eat dinner with the family before Konner gets home. Konner is my little sister, she's a junior in high school. We were inseparable growing up, I'm so excited for her to meet Cait.

We head up into my bedroom after showing her around the house for a bit. We set our stuff down and I collapse into my bed, Caitlin doing so shortly after. We start to cuddle and talk about our day when we hear a rush of footsteps up to the door.

"Who in the hell has that nice ass Beamer outside." Konner says rushing into my room.

"Guilty." Caitlin says. "You must be Konner."

"And you must be the girlfriend. Just as hot as your instagram." she says giving me eyes of approval. Cait's face flushes as well as mine.

"Goodbye Konner." I say throwing a pillow at her. She walks out of the room and we both bust out laughing. We talk about literally anything and everything before collapsing into deep sleep after our long and tiring day.

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