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*Caitlin's POV*

My family just left and now I am finally alone again. Except I'm really not, Mon's here. We share a suite since juniors and seniors don't have to have a roommate. Tomorrow I have my first class and I really am not looking forward to it. I'm just ready for basketball.

I decided to go to sleep early, but somehow still managed to wake up 5 minutes late. I grab the first two things I see and throw them on. It's not until I get out the house I realize I look like a poster child for Iowa, too late now.

After a 10 minute drive and some jamming out to Taylor Swift, I finally make my way to the lecture hall. I decide to sit in the back so that no one would talk to me. As I'm scrolling on my phone waiting for the professor to start class, I notice this girl walk past and sit in front of me. I can't help but stare at her.

The professor walks in and starts the class, we end up doing notes today. I get my computer out and start doing my notes, but I can't stop thinking about the girl a few feet from me. I have to talk to her

Class ends and I see her walking out. Now's my only chance, I walk behind her and begin to tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey, uh I was wondering if you had done the notes? If so could you send them to me? Here i'll give you my number." I say

It takes her a second to respond, "oh um, yea sure" she responds and hands me her phone, "here"

I grab her phone and put my number in it, but decide not to leave my name. I can't help myself from grin at the thought of getting to talk to her. She's so cute, I have got to find this girl, but I low-key enjoy the chase. Let's hope I'm not wrong about this one.

"Here you go, don't be a stranger" I say handing her phone back.

Don't be a stranger. C'mon what are you thinking.

I walk out of the class before she can even process what just happened. I make my way back to my dorm and decide to start on some homework before pre-season weights.

As I'm getting ready for weights I feel my phone buzz a lot. I check my messages
attachment x3
here are the notes from
also i never got your name.

Thanks, also let's keep
that a mystery. ;) See
                       you next class.

I decided not to tell her my name because I want to see if she can find me. If she does, then I would assume she has at least some interest in who I am, but who knows.

I finish getting ready for weights and head out with Mon. I decide not to tell her about my plan just yet, in case I make a fool of myself. We finally make it into the gym.

"Alright guys, let's get ready for this season and push to our goals. Caitlin, your with Syd on the bench, Mon I want you with Hannah at rows-" Coach Bluder continues but I can't help but think about that girl.

I never got her name, but I'm really hoping I can see her again before class. I push through the rest of the workout and head to the locker room. In the locker room I begin taking off my shoes while I start to check my phone.

I see that there is a new follower notification from Instagram so I decide to go check it out, just in case. I click on the profile and see a short brunette girl, with cute brown eyes. Kaia Brooks, that's her name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

"What's that smile for?" Monika said from across the room.

"Ouhhh who's got you smiling" Kate said. At this point all the girls were chirping in.

"Nothing, my mom sent me a video of our dog." I say quickly. If there's one thing i've learned here, there's no keeping secrets. The girls finally get off my back and Mon and I head back to the apartment.

Back at the apartment I can't help but feel tempted to say something. At least we know each others names now. I decide to follow her back, hopefully she can pick up what I'm putting down.

I almost texted her but instead I just decided to finish up my work and head out for a run. On the way back from the run I stop in at a quick little restaurant to get some dinner then head back to the apartment.

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