t-swift and the lake.

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*Kaia's POV*

"Kaia baby it's over." I hear Caitlin say as she grabs my hands, helping me stand.

"No, wait." I say, still in shock from the fact that we got Dear John and Daylight.

"Baby we have to go home. They're kicking us out." she says, pulling me up from the stadium chair.

*during the concert* *lover is playling*

I'm standing in front of Caitlin, my back pressed to her chest as her hands wrapped around my waist. Singing the lyrics of the song, in our own world. Caitlin's head resting on my shoulder as we gently swayed back and forth to the song, our song.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Monika and Kate mimicking Cait and I, while Jada has her phone out recording Taylor performing. I love this group so much.

*time jump*

"Are you ready to go pretty girl?" Caitlin asks as I finished zipping up my bag. Even though we were staying at the lake house for a week, I still somehow managed to overpack.

"Yes ma'am. Luna's things are ready to go too." I say, grabbing the last few things needed before heading into the kitchen to carry things down to the car. "Oh yeah, did you see the floaty I got for Luna?"

"Yes baby I saw, but you do know that's made for actual children. Right?" she said as she grabbed a few bags.

"Don't act like Luna is not our daughter!" I replied in a sarcastic tone. A smile creeping on her face as we started to pack the car, Luna in the backseat.

This will be our first trip with Luna, and her first time at the lake so hopefully everything goes smooth. I'm pretty sure Jada and Gabbie are bringing Shiloh so Luna will have a friend to play with.

"Ready to go?" Caitlin asks as she shuts the trunk, walking towards the drivers door.

"Always." I get myself comfortable in the passenger seat as Luna stands at the center console. I lean over, picking her up and placing her in my lap. She immediately tries to sit in Cait's lap, apparently mine wasn't good enough.

"Luna you can't drive, go sit in mommy's lap." Cait said as she placed a kiss to her head, before picking her up and handing her to me. Finally getting Luna to stay I grab my phone and connect to bluetooth, pressing shuffle on my summer playlist. Cruel Summer of course being the first song to play. Cait and I jamming out with the drive barely beginning.

After a long drive with many stops for Luna to go potty, we made it to the lake house. Caitlin started grabbing the stuff out of the car while I took Luna inside to play with Shiloh. Heading back outside to help finish grabbing our stuff and taking it inside to pick our room.

We were sharing a room with Kate and Monika since there was barely enough with how many of us are here. Plus there were more people coming later tonight, but sharing with Kate and Mon was pretty normal for us.

"I'm gonna change into my bikini and probably lay by the dock with Jada and Gabbie." I let Cait know as I started to open my bag.

"Okay I love you, I'll probably come down in a little while." she said before pressing a kiss to my temple, and grabbing my ass. I shook my head at her as a smile came across her lips.

I quickly changed into my green bikini and threw my hair up into a bun knowing it was going to get too hot to have the hair on my neck. I grabbed a towel, and my current book Every Summer After. I slipped on my Birkenstocks and headed down to the dock where Gabbie and Jada were.

After laying in the sun for about 15 minutes I decided to take a quick picture and post it to my Instagram story, just for fun. I haven't really been active in a while, plus I felt like I looked good.

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