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(let's pretend caitlin went to the t-swift concert after the jdc... i forgot to write this before🥲)

*Caitlin's POV*

A few of the girls and I were planning on going to the Taylor Swift concert in Minneapolis, so I decided to surprise Kaia with the tickets. She loves Taylor, like it's kinda scary.

We are currently in Minneapolis tonight, and then have the concert tomorrow night. Kaia has been planning her outfit for the past week. (picture of outfit at the end) She's been so excited about it, plus it's like a late birthday present to her.

I loved Kaia with everything in me and I know that she's my person. I feel bad that the media is assuming that Connor and I are together. She knows I would never, but I feel like me not denying it is just as bad.

Kaia is currently on FaceTime with Elise, planning the rest of her outfit for tomorrow. I really want to make tomorrow special for Kaia since I know she loves Taylor so much. It's kinda what really bonded us in the beginning of our relationship.

"Baby!" Kaia calls out from the bathroom as I'm lying in the hotel bed. We got a king to share, Monika and Kate in the next room.

"Yes?" I called back, pausing my TikTok.

"Come here please?" She says, I get up from the bed. I stopped at the doorframe of the bathroom, resting my shoulder on the wall. "Which earrings?"

"Mhm, the gold hoops." I replied as she smiled. I headed into the bathroom behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I rested my chin on her shoulder, admiring how beautiful she is. "I love you." I whispered before pressing a kiss to her temple. Her cheeks blushed with red as she replied.

"I was gonna take a shower," she started, turning her head slightly to look at me.

"Uh huh?" I interrupted her with a smirk. Her eyes widen at my comment. My eyes find her lips, looking back into her eyes.

"Caitlin Elizabeth Clark what do you want?" she says in a sassy tone.

*Kaia's POV*

"You. Now, about this shower?" Caitlin replied with a smirk, backing me up to the sink. She starts to tug at my shirt, wanting it off.

"Baby woah." I say as I place my hands on her chest, looking into her clouded eyes. She was hungry and I knew that, but I also knew she wanted a chase.

"I want you Kaia." she whispered in my ear, heat rising all through my body. No matter how long we will be together, Cait will always spark a reaction out of me. She was my turn on, and she knew it.

"You're so needy baby." I replied with upmost confidence, trying to act like she didn't affect me. I lightly pushed her off of me, trying to escape her hands. "I am taking a shower now."

Her hands grip my hips tightly, pulling my back against her chest. She pulls my hair to the side, sinking her lips to my neck. Her lips start to work on my skin, nipping and sucking at my soft spot. My head rolls back over her shoulder as her hand slides up my core, under my shirt. Soft moans escaping my lips as she continues her path up my jaw.

"I thought you were showering, love?" she whispers as her hand slides down into my panties, gently brushing over my clit. A thick gasp leaves my mouth as she places soft kisses to my neck. "You're so wet, pretty girl." Yep, I folded.

I quickly grab my shirt, pulling it over my head as I turn to face Cait, doing the same to hers. We're both standing in our bras and pants as I start to step out of mine. As I'm left in just my panties and bra, I start to take them off as Cait works on my bra. Sliding the straps down my shoulders slowly, teasing me. She finishes undressing herself as I turn on the water to the shower.

Trying to get the right temperature was a struggle for me, I needed it just hot enough that it wouldn't burn me, but still keep me warm. I feel Caitlin snake up behind me, her hands wrapping around my waist. I grab her hand, pulling her inside the shower. My bottom lip between my teeth as she leans her head back, getting her hair wet. A weakness of mine that she very well knows.

"I hate you." I say glaring at her as she just smirks. She places her hand on my cheek as she captures my lips with hers.

"I love you." she whispers against my lips as her hands grab my ass, before running down the backs of my thighs. She picks me up, turning to where Im now under the water, getting my hair wet.

"Baby, now my hairs wet." I said with a fake pout.

"Let me make it up to you?" I questioned as she was still in my arms.

"Only if you fuck me." I replied with a smirk.

"That was the plan baby." Her lips were on mine as my back was against the cold tile. Her movements were gentle yet filled with passion. She took her time as she walked me through every step. She knew what she was doing and made sure I knew she did.

It was no surprise when my release came, how much she enjoyed herself in that moment. No one would ever guess how much she enjoyed sex, it was actually surprising to me. But when you are as competitive as her, it makes sense.

"Baby the waters cold now." I said as I went to wash my hair.

"I'm sorry love, we can cuddle and watch Miss Americana okay?" she smiled as she kissed my temple, god I love this girl.

*time jump*

We got out of the shower and into pj's. I was just wearing one of Cait's hoodies as she was wearing sweats and a sports bra, our typical attire. We laid in the bed, putting on the movie and eating whatever snacks we got from the store.

I drifted off to sleep, listening to Cait's heartbeat as Miss Americana continued on in the background. Before I was fully asleep I heard Caitlin start to mumble something.

"I'm gonna marry you one day Kaia Grace, I promise you." as she placed a kiss to my crown. I couldn't help but blush trying to contain my smile. I stayed in the same position, not wanting her to know I heard her. I loved this girl so much and I now knew she felt the same.

Kaia's outfit:

Kaia's outfit:

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brb crying bc they're so cute. I literally wanna be them sm!!

imma try to write a bunch more chapters bc i'm so ready for their future. my pinterest board for them rn is literally sooooo cute i'm excited😋😋😋

keep commenting and voting!!! i would also appreciate if you shared the love on my other fic!

i'm in the works of a kate fic so dw!!!


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