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*Kaia's POV*

I walked into the living room, confused on who was here and how they got into the house. Before I turned the corner, I looked back to see Caitlin standing there, shrugging her shoulders with a smile plastered on her face.

"You're pregnant?!" Elise said, her jaw on the floor.

"ELI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!" I screamed, jumping up and down, running towards her. I tackled her in a giant hug, falling back onto the couch. "How did you get here? When did you get here? Oh my god, you did this!" I turned back to Caitlin pointing a finger at her, a huge grin planted on her face.

"Um, you're pregnant?!" Elise questioned again.

"Oh, no. Not yet at least, we just got back from an appointment though!" Still a glimmer of excitement in my voice. Elise is the one person who knows now, aside from us. We hadn't even told our families that we were planning on starting our family so soon.

I mean in actuality it wasn't that soon, Cait and I have been together for at least 5 years by now, even though we'd only been married for a few months, but everything just felt right. I mean the timing is never going to be perfect, especially because of how popular Cait is and the demands of her W career, but we'd make it work.

"Kaia, I love you more than words can express. You're my sunshine, my lover girl and I have always promised you an eternity of love, the kind you are deserving of. I promise to give you everything you want and more sweet girl. I promise to make it work, we will always make it work my love."
The memory of Caitlin's private vows from our wedding flooded my mind at my recent thoughts. We will make it work.


After hours of catching up with Elise, she had to head back to her hotel. We offered for her to stay with us, since we had plenty of space, but ultimately she had to stay in her hotel due to "company restrictions". Elise has climbed her way up into a prestigious corporation located in New York and was here on a business trip. Luckily she was able to fit in a few hours to visit us, I had missed my best friend.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the friends that I had made here, especially within my job and through the W. But none of them compared to Elise, the one person, aside from Caitlin, who actually understood me as a person. All of my ins and outs, the things that made me, me.

I was lucky enough to land a job on the marketing team of a local business down here. With Caitlin and her job we were fortunate enough that I didn't need a full-time, well paying job. We were both fully aware of that and eternally grateful, but I still decided to work anyway. Might as well put that pretty degree to use.

Who knows what my future entails once we have kids, whether I decide to be a stay-at-home mom, but whatever I decide I know that Caitlin will 100% back me on.


Caitlin and I spent the rest of the afternoon soaking in our morning, doing little things around the house. I had somehow been able to convince her to go home-decor shopping with me tomorrow, knowing it will most likely end with her card being swiped one too many times.

"Love, what would you like to have for dinner?" I asked Cait as we sat in the living room. Cait was multitasking between her laptop and her phone, probably dealing with the more business side of the W.

"Um, how about pizza? We could order in or make them here, whichever you'd prefer." she replied, bringing all her attention to me. That was one of the things I adored most about her, she dropped anything and everything she was doing whenever we were having a conversation.

"Hmm, how about we order in? I'm kinda feeling like we just lay on the couch together tonight, I miss you."

"Yes, pretty girl, and I miss you too." she said as she shut down her laptop and placed it on the coffee table. She made her way over to where I was sitting on the couch reading my latest book, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before sitting down next to me. "C'mere."

"Can we order from that one place downtown?" I asked as I laid on her, fitting perfectly into her lap as she gently stroked my hair.

"Of course, the usual?" she replied, pulling out her phone to place the order online and have it ready for pickup. I nodded gently as I picked up my book, removing the bookmark and continuing on the page I had left off.

15 minutes later Caitlin got the notification the pizza was ready, giving me a quick kiss before leaving to go get the food. I waited until I heard the door open and click shut, telling me that she had left. I quickly got up, ready to execute my surprise plan for when she returned.

A/N: so what do we thinkkkkk???

i just finished writing this so pls ignore any fuck-ups or even mistakes in the timeline. i'm just a girl🤷🏽‍♀️

sorry for the cliffhanger surprise again, i'm just in a surprising mood

im sorry this update took so long but again, life has been not so easy lately and i haven't wanted to write. BUTTT I DID IT FOR YOU GUYS.





i love you guys more than words can describe


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