sparks fly.

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*Kaia's POV*

I remember everything that happened last night and honestly, I don't ever want to forget. I woke up this morning to the sound of someone walking through the door, but then I felt a kiss on my forehead so I knew Cait was still there. I wonder how long she's been up.

Caitlin has practice today so we can't hangout forever, but tonight is our date. She told me I could just dress casual so that's my plan. We lay together in bed for a little while until it's time for her to get ready. I decided to head back to the dorm because I know Ellie is probably confused.

I head into the bathroom while Cait gets dressed. I walk out to see her in her practice gear and my god does she look good.

"Damn." I say under my breath. She turns and gives me a look. "What? Am I not allowed to admire?" I replied.

"Of course you can." she replied as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She asked if she was taking me back and I told her yes because of Ellie. She goes to finish getting ready as I stay in her room. I noticed her trophies and decided to take a closer look at them. I feel her hands around my waist. Her touch shoots butterflies throughout my body.

"Hi." I say in shock.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Oh nothing just waiting and this caught my eye." I say, turning towards her.

"Is that my sweatshirt Kaia Brooks?"

"Nope. Not at all." I replied with a grin on my face. She placed a soft kiss on my forehead. We head out to her car to make it back to my dorm. She opens the door and hands me her phone to play a song. I decided to play See You Again by Tyler because it reminds me of Caitlin. I grabbed Caitlin's hand and began to hold it, using it as a microphone.

"Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever?" I sang along with the lyrics. I see Caitlin smile ear to ear, realizing it's a red light she leans over and places a kiss on my lips. I kiss back with passion, still holding her hand. The light turns green and Cait continues on the way to the dorm.

She pulls up to the dorm and I get out, wishing her good luck at practice. I head inside as she pulls off. There's still plenty of time before she's picking me up so I head into the room and lay in bed.

"Um, excuse me that is not your hoodie." I hear as I walk into the room. I begin to blush as she said that. "What happened?!" Elise starts to question. I basically explained to her everything, even our hookup.

"So you guys are official?" she asks.

"Well, I don't know. I mean I do want to date her, but no one knows I like girls. What if my family finds out."

"Kaia, if you like this girl then you deserve to be with her. She sounds like a good person. It can be scary especially with your parents, but if you explain it to her I'm sure she'll understand." she replied. Ellie always knows how to make me feel better in these situations. "Now go get beautiful. I love you."

"I love you too." I reply back as she blows me a kiss. I try to decide on an outfit, but give up and head into the bathroom to take a quick shower before curling my hair. I quickly threw some beach waves in and did some light makeup.

I asked Elise for help on an outfit. We landed on a white cropped tank top with ruffles on the bottom (peplum top) and a pair of mom jeans from Abercrombie. I slipped on some white shoes and headed down to the lobby while I waited to Caitlin. She didn't tell me what we were doing so I'm extra excited.

She texts me shes here and I walk out to her car and get it. She's wearing all black skinny jeans and a loose shirt. She looks so cutie today.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"You'll see." she replies. I notice that she still hasn't stopped looking at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I ask genuinely confused.

"No, you just look beautiful." she says. I can't help but blush as she says that. I hold her hand as she places a kiss on the back of mine. She begins driving around downtown as I see we land at my favorite restaurant, Stella's.

We go inside and place an order for To-Go. She holds my hand while we wait for the food. We ordered a pizza to share and a side of cheese fries. They bring the food out and we take it to the car. We set the food in the back seat and drive over to Insomnia cookies.

"Cait what are we doing?" I ask.

"We're getting cookies."

"We haven't even ate yet." I reply

"There's a method to my madness. What cookies would you like?" she asks. We got 2 cookies to share since they're so big. We get back in the car and keep driving.

"No but like actually where are we going? I'm so hungry." I say hoping for an answer. She stops driving and puts the car in park.

"Stay here." she says as she starts to get out  of the car. I see her go into the trunk to grab something before making her way back to the front seat. She opens the door with one arm behind her back, the other grabbing my hand to hold it. She pulls her arm from behind her back and I see her holding flowers.

"Cait you did not. How did you know they were my favorite?"

"A little birdie." she said with a big smile. She pulls me in close as we lock eyes. She wraps her arm around my waist, resting her hand on my lower back. I wrap my arms around the back of her neck, standing on my tip-toes to reach her.

"Thank you." I say looking into her eyes. She leans in to me, stopping right before our lips meet.

"You're welcome." she whispers, I can feel her breath against my lips, making me crave her more. We lean it to each other, pressing our lips to each others. The passion shoots through both our bodies and it's like sparks fly.

"C'mon, let's eat." she says as she pulls me to the trunk. We're in Monika's car since she has a bigger trunk. I see that she laid out a blanket and some pillows to make it more comfortable. We climb into the back and start to eat our food. We stay until the sunsets, just talking about life and getting to know each other better.

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