rough morning.

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*Kaia's POV*

I wake up with little remembrance of anything that happened last night, all I know is I have an awful headache and do not want to get out of bed. I rolled over and I see a bottle of Tylenol, my water, and a little piece of paper on my nightstand.

I grab the Tylenol and my water and instantly take some before I even bother looking at the note. I have no clue what time it is but it is very bright out. I grab the piece of paper and sit back in bed before reading it.

"I hope you are feeling better after last night. Text me when you're ready Kai, I don't want to rush you. -Caitlin"

I don't want to rush you? What did I do last night?

I start racking my brain trying to remember what happened, but nothing pops up. I decide to look through my memories on snap and I got absolutely shitfaced last night. I'm still in clothes so it's not like I slept with someone... right?

I text Caitlin while my heart is racing a mile a minute.
hey, thanks for
                            making sure i got
                            back home safe last
i saw your note, what
happened last night?

Hey, I'm glad to hear.
Do you want to meet
up and talk about it?
I can pick you up in 10?

yea, sure that sounds

What the fuck did you do Kaia.

I roll over and scream into a pillow before deciding to get changed. I had no energy to even try and look cute today. I put on an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. I throw my hair back into a claw clip, grab a Liquid IV, and head out the door.

I immediately turn around because I left my keys in the room. I realized right before the door shut, thank god I was able to get in before I got locked out. I head down to her car. There she is, of course looking good as ever and I am dressed like a homeless man. So much for dress to impress.

"Rough morning?" she asks with a cute smile on her face.

"Something like that." I replied. "Should we go get something to eat first? I'm starving."

"Of course, what would you like?" she asks.

We finally decide on a place and she starts driving. God she looks so good, and of course she's only driving with one hand. My headache is only getting worse so I start to lean towards the window.

"Are you sure that's comfortable?" she asks.

"Could be better." I say.

"I don't mind if you lean on me. Plus we're almost there." she says. I take her up on her offer and close my eyes for a minute. We pull up and she asks what I would like. I tell her and of course she goes inside to get it for me. This girl is making it harder for me to not fall for her.

She brings back out my food and parks while we eat. After finishing our food I decide we should at least have this conversation. My heart is pounding so loud Caitlin could probably hear it.

"So- um, about last night... I seriously don't remember anything that happened." I say

"Oh um, it was kinda a rough night for you. I found you and Elise pretty wasted dancing on the pong table." she started to say.

Oh god.

"I took Elise back because you refused to go, you made me promise to dance with you, and then when I got back you locked yourself in a bathroom." she explained. I cover my face in embarrassment as she continues on. "You unlocked the door and immediately hugged me. You were crying because Elise was gone, so then I took you back to the dorm." she said.

"It gets worse doesn't it." I said.

"Well, as I was getting you into bed you mentioned how it wasn't exactly how you imagined our first time together and how you basically had the hots for me and I was 'your type perfectly'." she said. I felt my body slowly melt away into the seat.

"No. Oh my god I am so sorry. I- I apologize for making things awkward now-" I frantically say as tears flood my eyes from embarrassment. I can't even look at Caitlin.

"Hey, don't apologize. You haven't made anything awkward, besides I was kinda glad to hear that." she says.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I say. I can't even process anything. I feel her hand rest on my cheek, wiping a tear as she's guides my face to look at her.

"Kaia, you are okay. Ever since I saw you in class for the first time I couldn't stop staring. I asked you for notes because I wanted your number. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I didn't want to leave you last night, plus you wanted me to stay until you fell asleep." she says.

"Wait, so what happened at the dorm then?" I asked.

"Well, I was walking out and you asked me to stay with the biggest puppy-dog eyes I've ever seen. Those are killer. So I laid down with you and you immediately fell asleep on my chest, it probably helped that I was playing with your hair." she said. A flood of memories came back and it all made since.

"Didn't you kiss me?" I said, I knew the answer, but she left it out and I wanted to know why. Her cheeks started to blush and I could tell she knew that I knew.

"Of course I did, those eyes were irresistible Kaia." she said.

"So what does this mean, you know, for us?" I asked.

"Well, Kaia, I was hoping that I could get the chance to take you on a date, unless your busy of course."
No. Fucking. Way.

"I'll have to check my schedule." I say with the biggest smile on my face. She looks at me and we make eye contact, she grabs my hand, and places a kiss on my knuckles. Man, her lips are exactly as I remembered. I get the biggest rush of butterflies.

We begin our drive back to the dorm, with my head rested on her shoulder and her hand in mine of course.

"Pick you up at tomorrow at noon. Dress cute." she says with a wink.

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