happy birthday.

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*Kaia's POV*

I got all moved in to the apartment right before we had to come back for school, so I've been living here for a few weeks now. I definitely enjoy being able to fall asleep in Caitlin's arms every night.

Her birthday is in a few weeks and I want to plan something special for her, but they have a game the next day and it's away so I doubt I'll actually be able to see her.

My plan right now is to celebrate her birthday with her before she leaves and do a special dinner with her, but then I don't know about her actual birthday. I really wish I could spend it with her since it's the first one with us being together.

I planned on meeting up with Kate to figure out the plans for her birthday since Caitlin and Monika were both in class. I wanted to do a small thing with just us but also a little party type thing with the girls on the team.

I met Kate at the café since it was closest and quickest. I sat at a table waiting for her to get there, showing up only a few minutes after I did. She sat down across from me, placing her bag down in the seat next to her.

"Okay so what we're you thinking?" Kate asked with a smile on her face.

"Definitely a thing for just us, but also something with you guys maybe when you get back?" I said waiting for a response.

"Oh my god. Come to the game!"


"Come to the game. Fly out the same day we do, just not the same time. I'll get Bluder to let me come pick you up and bring you back surprising her, and then stay for the game. She'll love it, it's perfect Kaia!" she stated with a huge smile on her face. She was right, she would love it. And I would get to see my girl on her birthday.

"I'm literally broke Kate, and there's no way I can get tickets by now."

"I have extra and I'll buy your flight, I have extra money from my NIL deal, it's no biggie. She can count it as her gift from me!"

"God you're amazing." I said with a smile giving her a quick hug. "Now what gifts should I get?"

We continued on talking about what gifts would be perfect for Caitlin and I left with a huge list before returning to the apartment. It was empty since they had practice right after class, when Kate and I met up.

*time jump*

*Caitlin's POV*

I woke up to the cutest version of Happy Birthday, Kaia holding Luna as they both had on party hats. Kaia had decorated the room while I slept, balloons everywhere.

"Good morning baby! Happy early birthday!!" Kaia said with a smile ear to ear. She really went all out. I pulled her in for a kiss before getting up with her to go into the kitchen. On the counter was a bunch of gifts and bags with a pan of French Toast casserole, moms recipe.

"You didn't!" I said wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. I could tell she was proud of herself by the way she turned and looked at me, then back to the counter.

"Eat first so it's not cold. Then open gifts from Luna and I!"

We sat down and both ate a good amount of the dish, saving enough for Monika. It was time to open the gifts, but first Kaia went running into the room to get me a matching hat. She scooped Luna up as I opened the gifts.

She got me a new pair of shoes, hoodies because she always takes mine, stuff for basketball, and a nice little outfit for her to wear tonight. Of course she made me open that last.

It was a red lace set that I knew would look good on her. She looked at me with a sly smirk. I couldn't keep my mouth off the floor at the thought of it on her body. I held the piece up towards her.

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