picture perfect smile.

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*Kaia's POV*

I wake up to the excruciating sound of my alarm. I quickly turn it off and decide to check my phone before getting up. I plan on going to the café to get some work done and join one of my online classes.

I open my phone and find a new follower on my account. Caitlin, she found me. I don't think anything of it. I get dressed in a cute active wear set, it's just an align tank and matching align shorts. I throw on my favorite knit cardigan since it's a little bit chilly today and slip on some nike socks and my Ugg slippers, I throw my hair back into a braid and begin my walk to the café.

I get myself set up at a booth and begin to do my work. I order an iced coffee to sip on to hopefully help fuel my body. I decide to try and start an assignment for one of my online classes before my class starts.

Two hours later and my class just ended. I'm still sitting in the café because I somehow still have motivation. I start to open up a new assignment when I feel my phone buzz on the table.
I hope everything is
going great at school.
Love you

Before I can respond back to my mom I see a shadow at the table. I look up to find a familiar face looking at me.

"Hey, Kaia right?" Caitlin says.

"The one and only, and you must be Caitlin." I reply in a sarcastic manner.

"Yours truly, I see you're doing some serious school work so I won't bother, just thought I should say what's up." she says as she starts to walk away.

"Wait, why don't you join me. It's starting to get a little boring. Plus I would like to know more about this mysterious Caitlin Clark." I say before she walks away.

She turns back towards me, giving a wink before setting her stuff down and sitting across from me.

"So what do you wanna know?" she says with a cute smile on her face.

"Um, so I actually didn't think this far ahead." I say laughing, trying to distract from how nervous I am. Luckily she laughs with me, I try to read her expression but all I can think about is how perfect she looks. The room falls silent and it feels like we're trapped in this moment.

"Kaia, looks like you've made a new friend," Elise says standing at the side of the table "and how have I not heard about this yet."

"Hi I'm Caitlin" she says with a friendly smile.

"Elise, I'm Kai's roommate/best friend," she responds, "well, don't let me interrupt anything here. See you later Kai." she says in a flirty tone.

Elise is the only one who knows that I'm into girls. I haven't came out to my family yet, but I told Elise because she's the one person I can trust. I mean it was a pretty recent realization but I think meeting Caitlin has confirmed it. She's the textbook version of my type.

"What was that all about?" Caitlin asks.

"Oh um, don't mind her. She's always been nosey when it comes to my social life." I reply back. Caitlin nods her head like she understands. I feel my phone buzz on the table again.
elise 👯‍♀️🫶🏼
oh my gosh kai! she
is literally your type.
get you some queen!!

I feel my face flush and my cheeks burn hot.

"Kaia, are you okay?" Caitlin says in a genuinely worried tone.

"Oh- yea, I'm- I'm good" I reply back in a really sad attempt to cover up my embarrassment.

"Um I should probably get going," I say, " See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow!" Caitlin says with the cutest smile on her face. Her smile seems to calm me down but once again my cheeks start to blush. I hurry up and head back to the dorm before I embarrass myself further. I make it to my dorm and decide to jump in the shower to clear my mind.

I get out and change into comfy clothes. I let my hair out to dry while I do some skincare and get ready for bed. I check my phone really quickly when I notice a new friend request on Snapchat. It was her.

"Elise you are not going to believe this." I say

"What girl?" she replies.

"Guess who just added me on snap..." I say.

"No fucking way dude. She totally has the hots for you." She responds. Elise thinks everyone has eyes for me because I'm short and 'blessed by god with a perfect face'.

"Do I snap her or-"

"What do you mean or? Send her a hot pic of you!" Elise cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

I decide to send her a snap, but not a 'hot' one. It was of me sitting in bed with my blue light glasses watching Netflix on my computer. I notice that she opened it quickly but she took a second to respond. She's probably just with her teammates.

I open her snap and she's dressed in workout gear. She looks so good. I can't help but stare at the photo of her, she is literally my type. I decide to snap back a pic of me smiling just to see if I can get a reaction.

She snaps back pretty quickly, but this time it wasn't just her face. A picture of her with her jaw dropped saying, "Picture perfect smile". We stay up all night snapping back and forth and somehow she already made it onto my best friends list.

I send her a snap and decide to go to sleep before it's too late and I won't make it to class. I turn the light off and set my alarm.

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