i love you.

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*Kaia's POV*

I wake up to the sound of arguing downstairs. Caitlin is still sleeping so I decide to get up and go see what all the commotion is.

"She's your daughter, Brian."

"I don't know if I can agree with that lifestyle Karina. It's not her, not our daughter."

I know they're talking about me. I knew he wouldn't agree. My heart starts to rip apart, but I can't stop listening.

"She isn't any different than before. Why can't you see that?" I hear my sister say. My eyes fill with tears at thought of the conversation. I feel Caitlin's arms wrap around me as she presses a kiss to my head, walking me back to the bed.

"Hey I'm right here." she says. "There is nothing wrong with you or us." I start to break down as she wipes my tears off my cheeks.

"I thought everything was okay." I say between breaths.

"I know baby. Just say the word and I'll get you out of here." she says grabbing my hands. I pull her in for a hug, never wanting to let go.

"I love you." I whisper softly against her stomach as she runs her hands through my hair. She didn't hear me, but that was my intention. I went into the bathroom and washed my face to try and hide my tears.

I brush my teeth and change into clothes as Cait does the same. We pack up our bags and Caitlin heads downstairs to take them to the car before I go down. I follow her footsteps down and I head into the kitchen.

I let my family know that we are gonna head out and visit Caitlin's family. My mom gives me a hug and my sister does so too. I wave bye to my father who can't even look at me. It pains me to know that he doesn't understand me and my love, but if he can't then he never will.

We head out and get into the car. Caitlin offers me a soft smile as we start to pull out of the driveway. I pull out my phone and call Ellie, leaving it on speaker.

*on the phone* -Elise - Kaia-

"Hey bean. How'd it go?"

"Um." I say through tears. "I thought it was fine, but I woke up and heard my parents arguing. My dad doesn't agree."

"I'm so sorry bean. You are still loved okay? We are here for you no matter what."

"I know. We're going to Caitlin's house now. I couldn't stand being there anymore."

"Well, keep me updated okay? I love you."

"I love you more Ellie bear."

She hangs up the phone. Cait turns and looks at me before grabbing my hand to hold it.

"Bean?" she says with a cute smile on her face. It makes me smile seeing her smile.

"Yeah, it's because I used to get jealous a lot. It started as Jelly Bean but now it's just bean. So I call her Ellie bear." I reply. She laughs at the thought of me being jealous. I do have a problem, I just don't let her see that side of me.

We pull up to her house and man is it nice. She starts to unload our bags from the car while I grab our stuff from the front seat. She walks her way up to the door, I follow close behind her.

"Hey mom, this is Kaia. The one I told you about." she says. She told her mom about me?!

"Oh come in. Nice to meet you Kaia." she says giving me a quick hug. She takes me up to her old room and we put our stuff down.

"I could've guessed this was your room." I say.


"It looks like a 13 year old boys room. Just with a lot of trophies." I say trying not to laugh.

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