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*Caitlins POV*

I wake up around 7am, Kaia still passed out on my chest. Tonight I am taking her out on our first date, even though we basically had one last night. I have preseason practice at 10 so I don't have to get up quiet yet. I lay in bed, playing with her hair while scrolling on my phone. I get a text from Monika.
I'm on my way
back from Kate's.
Also, go you but
pls a heads up next

                                   Sorry, I wasn't
                                   expecting you to
                                   come back soon.
                                   She's still here

I hear Monika open the door and head to her room. Kaia starts to shuffle around half asleep. I kiss her on her forehead.

"Good morning." I say as she lifts her head and looks at me. After a few seconds she flashes a smile.

"Good morning." she replies in a sleepy voice. She lays her head back down on my chest.

"Just to let you know I have practice at 10, but your welcome to stay here if you would like. Or I can drop you off at the dorm and you can change clothes or whatever." I say. She looks at me with a confused expression.

"What time is it?"

"8:30." I reply. She looks at me, looks at her phone, and then back at me. "Did I miss something?" I ask her.

"I have class at 8." she says with a defeated look on her face.

"It's Saturday Kai, there's no classes." I reply. She lets out a quick breath, then proceeds to lay back down.

"Can we just stay here for a bit?"

"Of course." I say as I wrap my arms around her, placing a kiss on her head.

Some time passes and it's now 9:05. Kaia gets up and heads to the bathroom while I find my practice gear. I finished getting dressed as she walks back out.

"Damn." I hear her say under her breath. I flash her a look, basically letting her know I 100% heard that. "What? Am I not allowed to admire?" she says with a smile.

"Of course you can." I say as she come in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Am I taking you back?"

"Yeah just because I don't want Elise to think I got kidnapped." she said. She waits on the bed as I finished getting my stuff ready for practice. I walk back into the room to see her standing in front of one of my trophies. I walk up behind her, placing my hands on her hips as I rest my chin in her neck.

"Hi." she says in shock.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Oh nothing just waiting and this caught my eye." she says as she turns towards me.

"Is that my sweatshirt Kaia Brooks?"

"Nope. Not at all." she replies with a grin on her face. I place a kiss on her forehead as her eyes shut, causing her nose to scrunch up.

We make our way down to the car and we get in. I let her pick the music, as she plays See You Again by Tyler. I start to drive back to her dorm. Towards the end of the song she grabs my hand, interlocking her fingers with mine. I flash her a smile as she starts to sing along with the lyrics.

"Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever?" she sings, using our hands as a microphone. I turn to look at her since we're at a red light. I lean in giving her what she asked for. The light turns green way quicker than I wanted it to.

We make it to her dorm as she gets out and wishes me good luck at practice. As she walks away I can't help but think about the plans for tonight.

I park the car and head into the arena for practice. We have some pre-season games coming in about a week and a half so we've started practicing more seriously. Our first game is at home.

I get into the locker room and start to get ready for practice. As I lace up my shoes I can hear footsteps heading into the locker room. Monika walks in by herself and immediately start's interrogating me.

"What happened last night?"

"What?" I reply back.

"You heard me." she said serious as ever. "What happened?"

"Nothing. We just watched a movie" I said trying to play off the lie.

"Nope, no way. There is no way you didn't do anything with her. She hid under your blanket dude." She replied. Her questions about last night flooded my brain with memories. "See your literally blushing and cheesy." she says pointing to my face.

"Go on." I say laughing as I start to walk into the gym. From behind I hear her voice.

"Just a heads up next time please." she calls out.

"A heads up about what?" I hear Kate ask.

"Oh just something with the apartment." I reply.

"Dude c'mon you can literally tell me."

"Um actually, you have the biggest mouth on the team."

"So it's something serious? Spill." Kate says with excitement.

"I met a girl." I say. I explain to her about how I met Kaia and how we've been hanging out and we have feelings for each other. Of course I leave out all the details of last night.

Coach Bluder finally walks in and we begin practice. We worked a lot of plays and drills, and did a bunch of scrimmaging against each other.

After practice is over I head into the locker room to grab my stuff and leave before anymore interrogating. I check my phone to see a snap from Kai. She's still in my hoodie, of course. I'm not complaining because she looks good in it.

I get back to the apartment and start to get ready for our date. I take a shower and change into semi nice but mainly casual clothes. We are going to go get Kaia's favorite food and then watch the sunset together, Elise said that was her dream date.

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