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*Caitlins POV*

I head out of the bathroom and make my way to Mon and Kate, who both have a drink in their hand. I offered to be DD tonight because no one is going near my precious car while I'm hammered.

"Hey, uh, Kayla? Kayla was looking for you." Monika says, tonight's gonna be a fun night.

"Kaia?" I replied back, "Did you see where she went?"

She points to a table with two small girls dancing on top. It was Elise and Kaia, I mean at least she looks good when she dances. I head over to the table making the decision it's time for them to go home.

I walk up to the table and start talking to Elise, I somehow convince her to go but Kaia is not for it.

"You're being lame Caitlin. C'mon just dance with me." she says in a pleading tone.

"Lemme take Elise home then I promise we can dance, okay?" I ask as she nods her head with the cutest sad face. "Don't run off somewhere Kaia!"

I grab Elise and start to take her to the car, letting Monika and Kate know I'll be back soon. I get Elise to the dorm safely, luckily no vomit made it into my car. I get her into the dorm room and situated in bed with some water.

"Okay I'm gonna go get Kaia now." I say to Elise who's basically already passed out. I head back to the car and prepare myself for her to be in a completely different place than she was before. I make it back to the party, low and behold, she's not on the table.

I start asking around if anyone has seen a short, cute brunette named Kaia. I find out she's in the bathroom. I try the door but it seems to be locked. I lean my head on the door to try and hear what's happening. I hear someone getting sick. I knock.

"Kaia is that you in there?"

"Caitlin?!" she replies shocked.

"Yes Kaia, it's me. Can you unlock the door please?" I ask. I hear some shuffling to the door, and then it opens. She's been crying. I make my way into the bathroom and Kaia immediately starts to give me a hug.

"Are you okay? What happened?" my voice muffled from her tight embrace. I hug her back, but then lightly pull away to see what's wrong.

"Elise is gone! She disappeared!" she says through tears. I hug her again, trying to explain to her that I took Elise back to the dorm and she can come see her if she wants. I low-key started to feel bad because I freaked her out. She had the biggest puppy-dog eyes.

I get Kaia into the car and text Mon that I'm leaving. She starts drunk texting sex emojis. I immediately put my phone down and start driving. I let Kaia put on a song and of course it's Taylor Swift. We make it to the dorm.

We make our way into the room and I start to get Kaia situated in her bed.

"This definitely wasn't how I imagined our first time." Kaia said obviously off her ass.

"What do you mean?" I ask genuinely intrigued.

"I mean ever since you asked for my number in class I knew I wanted to get with you. I mean your literally my type perfectly and you're hot as fuck." she says laying down. She looks really good tonight but she's drunk and I am not that type of person. At least I know how she feels.

I finish getting Kaia situated and she started to doze off, but I guess she heard me walk away.

"Wait don't leave me." she says with the biggest, cutest sad face ever. "Come lay with me, at least until I'm asleep?" she asks. I feel bad and I honestly just wanted her to be okay. I walk back to the bed and give her a quick forehead kiss before getting into her bed.

She quickly snuggles up into my arms and suddenly, I don't want to leave. Based on her breathing I can tell that she finally fell asleep, but I don't want to leave her. I scroll on my phone to pass some time hoping she never moves from this position.

I see a snap from Mon and I open it, of course she's absolutely slammed. I decide to send back a picture of me in her bed, with just a little bit of her hair showing. I put my phone down and play with her hair. God she is so perfect, I just want her to be mine.

After a few hours she ends up switching positions, so I have enough time to crawl out of bed. I found a bottle of Tylenol and set it on her bed with her water bottle. I left the room and headed back to the apartment.

I decided to hop in the shower to try and eliminate the smell of alcohol off of me, but I can't stop thinking about Kaia and what she said to me. I have a feeling she is not going to remember what happened by the morning.

I get into bed, in just a bra and basketball shorts. I scroll on my phone for a few minutes before going to bed.

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