kid in a candy store.

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*Caitlin's POV*

I got out of class a little earlier than I expected so I decided to go find a spot to get lunch. Mon said she wasn't gonna be back till later so I figured it'd be best to just find somewhere I can get something quick.

I decided to stop at the café on campus because a coffee sounded pretty good. I walk in the door and begin to find a booth. I notice a girl sitting at a booth looking at her phone with a bunch of papers out around her computer. She looked familiar and I couldn't help but stare, trying to figure out who it was of course.

I walked over to the table and realized it was the cute girl from class.

"Hey, Kaia right?" I say.

"The one and only, and you must be Caitlin." she replied. She looks so cute and her outfit makes it better, especially the glasses. I can't help but stare.

"Yours truly, I see you're doing some serious school work so I won't bother, just thought I should say what's up." I said as I started to walk away.

"Wait, why don't you join me. It's starting to get a little boring. Plus I would like to know more about this mysterious Caitlin Clark." she says as my back is turned. She wants to know more about me?

I turn back towards her, giving a wink before setting my stuff down and sitting across from her.

"So what do you wanna know?" I ask giving a friendly smile.

"Um, so I actually didn't think this far ahead." she says as she lets out a giggle. I can't help but laugh with her. She looks absolutely perfect, especially with her hair in a messy braid and I can't help but fall for this girl.

"Kaia, looks like you've made a new friend," someone says standing at the side of the table "and how have I not heard about this yet."

"Hi I'm Caitlin" I say introducing myself.

"Elise, I'm Kai's roommate/best friend," she responds, "well, don't let me interrupt anything here. See you later Kai." she says in a weird tone.

Kaia's face falls flat and she gives a look that could kill.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Oh um, don't mind her. She's always been nosey when it comes to my social life." she replied back. I nodded in agreement because that how Mon and Kate are with me. Her phone buzzed on the table.

I don't know what just happened but I notice a change in Kaia's energy. Her face drops and her cheeks turn bloodshot.

"Kaia, are you okay?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Oh- yea, I'm- I'm good" she replied back in a off tone.

"Um I should probably get going," she says, " See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow!" I replied back. I really didn't want her to leave just yet but I didn't want to seem like a stalker. I just hope she is okay.

I order a iced coffee and a salad and head back to my dorm to be somewhat productive. I scroll on my phone while waiting for my food and I landed on her Instagram again. I decided to do some deep diving on this Elise girl.

I found her Instagram and then a spam Instagram account, which somehow led to Kaia's. In her bio was a snapchat username so I decided to add her. I grabbed my food and headed back to the apartment to chill before workouts.

Some time passes by and Monika returns. We get ready for practice, we are wearing our black team basketball shorts with our grey nike undershirts and our black practice jerseys. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and head out to practice.

Mon and I head into the locker room and start to get ready for practice. I check my phone one last time to see if she added me back, before putting my shoes on. I get kinda bummed but continue putting on my shoes.

"Who's got you all sad?" I heared Mon say.

"Oh- no one." I reply

"C'mon Cait, you know you can't keep a secret from me."

"Okay but you cannot tell anyone, not even Kate." I say. Kate can't keep a secret to save her life and I cannot have it getting around that I like this girl. I've never been public about my sexuality, just my team knows.

"It can't be that bad, what did you meet a new girl or something?" she says jokingly.

I guess she could read my expression really well.

"NO WAY!" she said so loud she almost woke up the whole school. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Kaia, she's in one of my classes. She's a freshman but for some reason I can't get over her." I reply.

"Have you at least talked to her?" she asked kinda in a disappointed tone.

"Yeah, I gave her my number and I found her snap and Insta." I say shrugging.

"Okay stalker. No but seriously why do you look bummed about it? Does she not like you?" she asked.

"I don't know. She hasn't added me back yet. I just saw her a few hours ago at the café, and I can't stop thinking about her. She looked so cute." I said. I caught myself smiling like a kid in a candy store.

"Well, do you even know if she's into girls?" Mon asks as we walk out to weights.

"No clue." I respond. We continue on into our workout and pick up where we left off on our convo when we get back into the locker room. I check my phone as we begin to leave. I see that she added me back. I felt a relief lift off my shoulders. I decide to send a picture of me post weights, of course you can see my workout clothes and tell I'm sweaty, what can I say.

Mon catches me taking the picture.

"Okay bod. Lemme guess, she added you back." she says.

"Shut up." I reply rolling my eyes. We spent the rest of the night snapping back and forth and my god is this girl literally amazing. Her smile is perfect and she is beautiful.

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