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*Kaia's POV*

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. The call ends before I could answer it. It starts to ring again, it's Konner. I answer immediately before even checking the time to see it was 2am. I hear a panic in her voice.

*on the phone* -Konner - Kaia-

"Kaia! Kaia!" Konner says through tears.

"Yes I'm here. What's going on? Are you okay?" I say sitting up in Caitlin's bed.

"Kaia you need to get down here now. It's mom." she says. My heart immediately drops into my stomach.

"What do you mean it's mom? What is going on?" I say loud enough to wake Cait up. She sits up rubbing her face, obviously confused.

"We're going to the hospital. Get here as fast as you can please." Konner says before hanging up. I immediately get out of the bed, rushing to put on a shirt and some shoes.

"Kaia, what is going on?" Caitlin says getting out of bed.

"Konner just called. Something happened with my mom and she's at the hospital." I say starting to tear up.

"Take a breath baby. I'm here. C'mon let's go." she says starting to get dressed and grab her shoes. I pause.

"Wait, you can't you have practice."

"There's no way you can get down there. I will talk to Coach, you are what matters right now." she says. We grab our stuff and hurry up on the road. I'm texting my sister trying to figure out what is happening.

She explains that she woke up to the sound of someone falling and that my mom had fell. Cait has had her hand on my thigh since the beginning of the drive. I place my hand on hers, wiping my tears with the other.

We make our way down to the hospital and rush in to find my family. Once we get there I see my mom laying in the bed, hooked up to a bunch of wires. My sister is sitting beside her bed, my dad talking to the doctors.

Cait gives me a hug, letting me know she's stepping out to let Coach Bluder know she's not going to make it to practice tonight, but hopefully be there tomorrow. Luckily they don't have a game for a few days.

I sit down by my mom on the opposite side as my sister. I grab her hand and begin to hold it. My dad walks back in, he realizes I'm here, but doesn't speak to me. I notice how hesitant he is to look at me. Konner does too.

"Okay we are not doing this. Not here. Not when mom is like this." Konner says. My dad still won't look at me.

"I can't change who I am. I'm still your daughter." I say through tears. Caitlin begins to walk in through the door. My dad notices and his face goes hot.

"Why are you here?" he says taking a step towards Caitlin. Without a second of thought I get up, stepping between my father and Caitlin.

"Stop." I say pushing him back. "You will not threaten her. She is the only reason I am here right now." I say pointing to my mom.

"Get out." he says raising a finger at me and Caitlin. Doctors come rushing into the room.

"Sir I'm going to need you to calm down." a doctor states stepping in between us. I stand my ground and hold Caitlin's hand. She stands right next to me. The doctor gets my dad to leave the room. The second he does I break down.

Caitlin and Konner both rush to me as I start bawling in Caitlin's arms. Caitlin sits down in a chair, me sitting in her lap with my head nuzzled up in the crook of her neck. I calm down with the feeling of her hands through my hair. I fell asleep in her arms for a few minutes.

I wake up and ask where my dad is. Konner let's me know that she told the doctors and security that he isn't allowed in the room if Cait and I are in there because we don't feel safe. I never thought I would have to say that about my own father.

My mom starts to wake up as Konner and I both have her hands, Caitlin standing right behind me.

"Hello my sweet girls, Caitlin." she says softly.

"Hi mom." I say with a big smile on my face. "The doctors said you had a heart attack and you might need a surgery. Something with your artery." I say.

"I'm just glad your okay." Konner says. She places her hands on our cheeks, rubbing her thumb across them.

"I love you girls."

"We love you." we say back. The doctor comes in and gets her to sign consent forms before they begin to prep her for surgery. Cait heads down to the cafeteria to get us something to eat while we wait. It's taking longer than I expected. I walk out with Konner to see what is going on.

"I haven't done anything sir." I see Caitlin say as she throws her hands up, taking steps backwards.

"You ruined my daughter." he says charging at her.

"Stop it! No!" I hear Konner say as she runs over to my dad, trying to hold him back. I can't move, my body is frozen in its place. Caitlin continues walking back, creating enough space between her and my father. She notices me standing outside the door, frozen.

Even though she just experienced that, she still somehow comforts me like nothing happened.

"I just want to leave." I say against her chest. "I just wanna go."

"Okay we can go. Do you wanna go back to the apartment?" she says. I grab my stuff and let Konner know that we are leaving to avoid anymore conflict. She says she will keep me updated on the condition of our mom. We have a security guard escort us out to her car before getting in it.

"I'm so sorry." I say holding back tears.

"That was not your fault. He just can't be happy for you." she says giving me a kiss. "I am not mad at you. I love you."

"I love you." I say. We start the drive back to school. We decided to just go back to her apartment and chill because I was mentally drained.

We get back and head inside the apartment. I slip my shoes off and leave them by the door like normal.

"You go lay down baby, I gotta call Coach really quickly."

"I'm gonna take a shower first." I say. I head into the bathroom, taking my clothes off and getting into the shower.

I let the water run over me, my face and my hair. I just stand there trying to collect my thoughts. I start to cry as I hear the door begin to open. I quickly wipe the tears from my face as Caitlin sits on the counter.


"I'm right here." she says. It's comforting knowing that she can sense when I need her.

"I really am sorry. If I had known-"

"Hey don't blame yourself for your fathers actions. None of that is on you. I will never blame you for something like that." she says. I turn the water off and grab a towel, wrapping myself in it before opening the curtain and stepping out.

I head into the room and get changed before giving Cait a hug. She holds on for a while, pressing kisses to my wet hair.

"Coach said you can come to practice tonight if your not comfortable being alone." she says against my head.

"I would like to." I say nodding my head. I've barely met these people and they still treat me like one of their own. We lay down before their practice. I fall asleep to the sound of Caitlin's heartbeat as the t.v. plays in the background.

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