keep talking.

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*Caitlin's POV*

I've had a rough 24 hours and all I want to do is get home to my girl. I have no clue if she's going to be at the apartment or not, but we're close to Carver. We finally get back and Mon and I load up the car to make the trip home.

As I'm walking through the door I notice her shoes by the front door, like normal. I set my stuff down looking around for her. I notice a gift sitting on the counter, but I decide to look for Kaia first.

I walk into my bedroom to find her laying in bed asleep. She looks so cute, peaceful. I slowly walk over to the bed, limping. I get under the blanket, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. God I've missed this. I feel her body melt into me, her back pressed to my front.

"C? Is that you?" she says sleepily.

"Yes baby. It's me." I say holding her tight, pressing a kiss to her hair. She turns towards me.

"When did you get back?"

"Just now. I see there's a bag on the counter." I say. She starts to sit up at the sound of my words, her lips curling into a smile. Before she can even say anything I pull her in for a kiss.

"C'mon baby." she says grabbing my hand to pull me out of bed. I begin to follow her, trying my best to keep up. I sit on the stool as she stands behind me.

I start to open the gift, her smile ear to ear. I open the box inside the bag. Sitting there was a bracelet with the letters KB. I feel my cheeks burn as a smile forms on my face.

"Baby you didn't."

"I did." she says as I start to mess with the bracelet. She grabs it and helps me put it on. "Now we match." she says with the cutest smile ever. I grab her by the waist, pulling her in for a hug.

"God I love you Kaia Brooks."

"I know babe. I love you." she replies. She tells me about how she got the stuff to make cookies tonight since she knows I love to bake. She is such a sweetheart.

*Kaia's POV*

Caitlin came back a few hours ago and we've just been hanging out and spending time together and baking chocolate chip cookies, which is her favorite. I've really missed her.

We were laying on the couch together after eating fresh baked cookies before I got up to use the bathroom. I came out and head into the bedroom, letting her know. I lay down in bed after changing out of my clothes into a tank and some shorts. I scrolled on my phone before she came in.

She places her hands on my waist before laying down with her head against my chest. Her touch on my skin sent shivers down my spine. I dropped my phone, placing one hand in her hair. The other on the small of her back, lifting her shirt before slowly running my fingers in circles.

She lifted her head slightly before placing kisses to my chest. Her lips feel so good against my skin. I feel butterflies swarm in my stomach. I slowly lift one leg, wrapping it around her body. Her hands work their way down my body, to the back of my thigh.

"I want you." she says under her breath. She starts kissing on my neck and chest, slowly sucking on my skin. I can feel her leaving marks, she craves me. She begins kissing up and down my body, taking my pants off.

"I need you baby." she says. She starts to kiss between my thighs. The feeling of her lips on my clit sends my head rolling back into the pillow. My hands find her hair like a magnet, gripping as she begins to circle my clit, positioning my legs on her shoulders.

*Caitlin's POV*

I've missed her so much. I needed to feel her, taste her. I crave her. I wanted every inch of her in my mouth. I start to kiss on her thighs, teasing her. I make my way onto her clit gently, moving her legs onto my shoulders.

As I begin on her, she can't help but arch her back as her legs tighten around my head. I slide my hand up the center of her body, slowly gliding up and down as her body quivers at my touch. She tastes so good. I can't help but look at her, enjoying her.

"Fuck baby. You're so good." she says between moans. I lick from her clit, up the center of my body as she calms from her orgasm. Her body still shaking her I can feel her wetness on my bare skin.

"I've been wanting to do this since you posted that picture baby." I say before kissing her, she kisses back with passion.

"Mhm. A picture did all that to you?" she says in a questioning tone. It turns me on. She knows it, that's why she does it. Her eyes trace up and down my face as she bites her lower lip.

"Careful Kaia." I say giving her a warning.

"Or what?" she says with a look on her face. I get butterflies just from her voice. I slide my hand down and slip my fingers inside her. She's so beautiful.

"Keep talking baby. C'mon." I say as I look her up and down. Her head rolls back at my words, sending her body arching. I can't keep my mouth off her as I kiss her neck. She's lucky Monika is a heavy sleeper because of how loud she is.

I feel her legs wrap around me, holding me tight as her hips begin to move.

"Come for me baby." I say staring at her perfect body. She tries to speak but she can't. Her body shakes as I can feel her tightening around my fingers. I begin to slow down as she starts to calm down.

"Holy shit baby. You really missed me." she says out of breath. I slide my fingers out kissing all over her.

"God you're so perfect." I say placing my leg in between her thighs. She places her hands in my hair gripping ever so slightly. It sends chills through my body. She pulls me in for a kiss, her hips grinding on my leg.

I lay on my back, flipping her to be on top. I can't help but touch all over her body as she rides mine. My hands land on her waist as I begin to help guide her back and forth. I can't help but lick my lips at the sight.

*Kaia's POV*

The feeling of her under me is making it so hard not to finish. She looks so fucking good right now. Her hands are planted at my waist controlling me. I lean down to kiss her lips as a look of disappointment comes across her face. She wanted it.

I sat back up, eyeing her gaze. I slowly went back in, giving her what she wanted. I flipped my hair to the side before going in on her neck and jaw.

"I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you."

I feel my body start to burn, my legs tighten up. I get a rush of adrenaline before my body releases. Fuckkkk. Her hands grip my waist tightly, holding me in place as my hips buckle. I place my hands on her chest to hold myself up as noises escape my lips. She is enjoying every bit of this.

"Good girl baby." she says with a smile on her face. This girl is going to be the death of me. I collapse into her chest, my lower half stuck in its position. Her arms wrap around my back, placing the blanket over my body.

I catch my breath before lifting my head to look at her.

"Do you wanna shower baby?" she says. I nod my head as she begins to get up.

"Your ankle." I say before she gets up. She looks down at her foot before continuing to help me out of bed. "You can barely put pressure on it. Lay down. I can shower later." I say grabbing her shirt off the floor and throwing it on before walking out into the kitchen to grab an ice pack and a towel.

"Babe it's fine."

"Stop! You need to rest it or you won't be playing on the 20th Caitlin!" I say with a stern voice. Her gaze softens as she lays back, letting me take care of her.

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