who's here?

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*Caitlin's POV*

"Baby are you almost ready? We have to leave soon." I call out from the kitchen as I finish making Kaia her bagel.

"Yes, but the appointment isn't until 11 babe." she said walking into the room and lifting up her phone, the time showing 9:48am. It was only a 30 minute drive, give or take, to get to the doctors office.

We had been looking at many fertility clinics over the past few months, going and meeting some doctors, but we officially landed on a clinic and we're having our first appointment with them today.

"Can I not sit and enjoy a morning with my amazing wife?" I question, pulling her to stand between my legs at the kitchen island.

We had finally settled into our new house in Cape Cod, where we will live all year, renting out a studio apartment during basketball season. We have been married now for a few months and got back from our honeymoon almost 2 months ago.

"Mm, only if you kiss me." she said looking down into my eyes. She pressed her lips against mine softly, pulling back with a tint of pink to her cheeks and a smile ear to ear. I leaned back into her, placing a soft kiss to her cheek, tucking a rogue piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm a little nervous though," Kaia spoke softly, her eyes roaming my features. When we had both decided that we wanted to start having kids, after the wedding and we had both gotten comfortable with my WNBA schedule and contract, Kaia had started tracking her cycle and doing research on the different options that we had. "I mean, what if I'm infertile and-"

"It's going to be just fine, my love. We will cross that bridge when we get there okay? We don't need to psych ourselves out now." I replied, my hands running across her waist. She nodded her head, taking a deep breath and forcing a weak smile on her face. I placed my hands on her jaw, pulling her face in and placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Now c'mon, lets go get in the car so that we can go get a coffee before." I say while standing up, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the door.

"How'd you know I wanted coffee?" she asked with a smile spreading on her face. I turn to her, narrowing my eyes. "Oh hush." she replied, pushing on my shoulder. She put on her shoes and we started making our way down to the car.

Since it was the middle of January and it was still reasonably cold outside, Kaia bundled up in the passenger seat with a blanket, even though she already had the heat blasting. I swear this girl is always cold. I placed a mobile order at her favorite local coffee shop while she messed with the car's bluetooth, shuffling music from her liked songs.
"Aha, there it is!" she exclaimed after skipping through 12 songs, finally landing on her current favorite. I Remember Everything by Zach Bryan and Kacey Musgraves started to play through the speakers as I began to pull out of the driveway and head to the coffee shop.


*Kaia's POV*

"Kaia and Caitlin?" the nurse called out through the door, "You can follow me, Dr. Agard is right this way, ready for you guys!"

I grabbed my bag and started making my way, following the nurse, Cait following behind me. We walked into the room after the nurse, setting our things down and meeting Dr. Agard. The site of the table and the ultrasound machine send a wave of nerves through my body.

"Hi guys, I'm Dr. Agard, I believe we've spoken on the phone a few times. I see that you guys are here for your first fertility appointment, is this your very first time?" she asks politely as I sit down next to Caitlin.

"Oh, um yes. We honestly have no clue what this could look like but we have started looking at some options." I explain looking between Caitlin and Dr. Agard, both offering soft smiles.

"Alright, so today we will discuss what options you do have. Have you guys decided who would be carrying?"

"Oh yes, Kaia." Caitlin said for me, she can definitely tell that I am super nervous.

"Great! So I would like to do an ultrasound and draw some blood from Kaia before we start discussing the options that you guys do have." she explained, getting up from her stool to allow us some privacy while I got situated on the table.

Once I was on the table with Cait by my side, Dr. Agard came back into the room and got started with the ultrasound. She began asking questions about us and our history, both medical and relationship wise, to help calm us down.

"So everything looks great! We will need to do the blood test to just make sure everything is 100%, and we can discuss your options." she said, Cait and I both nodded at her statement. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders at her words. "So since Kaia will be carrying, do we want to go ahead and use her egg, or would we want to use Caitlins?" she asked.

"Kaia's egg." Caitlin replied, her hand in mine. I gently squeezed her hand as she looked over and smiled gently.

"Perfect! So the option that I would recommend to you guys would be finding a sperm donor and purchasing the one you would like to use, and then we can inseminate here, and track to see if it takes or not." Dr. Agard stated, giving us pamphlets of some sperm banks that she recommended.


Once the appointment ended and we left the clinic, we headed out to go get some lunch at our favorite spot before heading back home.

"Luna baby we're homeeeee!" I exclaimed, bursting through the front doors. "Are you ready to be a big sissy?" I asked, petting and rubbing behind her ears, which was her favorite spot.

"Wait, you're pregnant?!" I heard a voice question in the living room. Who was here?

A/N: mwhahahahaha who could it be?!?!

hi guys! the last few weeks have been rough so i decided to escape from reality and feed you guys. anyways yeah ! enjoy

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