workout partners.

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*Kaia's POV*

I head out the doors and to her car. I get into the car and sit down, of course T-Swift is playing. She's so cute.

"Okay um first off, purple is definitely your color, second- well, so a bunch of athletes are throwing a sorta party/get to together tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come. You can bring Elise, i'll pick y'all up?" she said.

"Oh yeah that actually sounds like fun. Just fyi I'm a lightweight and you don't want to see drunk Kaia" I replied. She starts driving to the gym, the whole way there I can't stop checking her out. This is going to be a great workout. She looks so good in her shorts and of course she's wearing a tight dri-fit shirt so you can see the outline of her abs.

Caitlin parks the car and we make our way inside. She gets started on the treadmill while I head to the stair master. I do a quick little cardio workout before I decide to do legs. In the mirror I see Caitlin looking at me, so I decide to ask her if she can come spot me while doing back squats.

We load the bar up to 170 lbs and I start to do my first set. On my last rep I notice Caitlin staring at me, but not my face. I start to blush at the thought and I set the bar back on the rack.

"Thanks for spotting me, I won't interfere with the rest of your workout." I say.

"Oh it's not a problem at all. I was gonna hit legs today anyways so might as well do it with a partner." she replied.

She starts to set the bar up for deadlifts. God watching her lift the plates and load them onto the bar was a little more enjoyable than it should've been. She starts her first set when I get a call from Elise.

"Hey are you okay? I'm with Caitlin at the gym right now"

"Oh yeah, how's that going."

"Um, i'll give you the low-down later, did you need something?"

"Oh um yea, where's that one cute top of yours?"

"Seriously Ellie. It's in the top drawer. Also, save yourself we're going out with Caitlin tonight."

"I see you Kai. Get you some of that scrumptious-" I cut her off before she can finish.

"Goodbye Ellie." I hang up the phone and step closer to where we were doing our workout.

"Everything okay?" Caitlin asks.

"Oh yeah, Elise just decided she needed to rummage through my shirts." I reply.

"Oh, um would you still like me to spot?" she asks.

"Oh yea-" I feel my phone buzz twice, "Geez Ellie what can you possibly want now." I say picking up my phone, I quickly scan over her text and of course it's about Caitlin. I quickly put my phone down and hope she can't see me blush.

I return to my workout and notice her staring, again. I decide not to say anything because I honestly don't mind it. We finish our workout and she drops me off at my dorm. As I'm about to get in the shower she snaps me a picture. Of course she's also about to get in the shower.

I hop in the shower and send back a picture of only my face, but of course you can still tell I'm in the shower. She snaps back quickly a picture of her with sweats and a t-shirt on and her wet hair down. God she looks so good. I can't help but stare at the picture for probably longer than I should've. I get out of the shower and start to get ready for the party.

I decide to wear a cute top and some leggings since she made it sound like it was pretty casual. I threw on a bit of makeup and blow dried my hair. Elise was wearing a basically the same thing as me but a little different. We head down to the lobby because Caitlin's here.

We make our way to the party and inside there's a decent amount of people. Caitlin told us in the car she was gonna be the DD tonight since she didn't trust anyone with her car. Inside I met Monika and Kate. They were tall, but very nice. I did notice that Monika kept staring at me then back at Caitlin.

I decided to go grab a drink with Ellie to help calm my nerves.

"So what happened earlier?" Ellie asks.

I down a shot of Vodka before answering.

"So I was doing some back squats and I had asked her to spot me," I started to say as Ellie's eyes got wide, "and I'm pretty sure I caught her checking me out, but I didn't say anything."

"Who wouldn't want to look at that booty!" she said just a little too loud. I quickly grab another shot and take that before making my way back to find Caitlin.

"Hey, where's Caitlin?" I ask Monika as I'm starting to feel a little tipsy.

"Oh she went to the bathroom, she should be back shortly." She replied. Instead of waiting I drag Ellie to a table where they had a game of pong going. Of course I get absolutely shit-faced and Ellie drags me onto the table to dance.

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