forever yours.

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*Kaia's POV*

Today is Cait's first game and I am so excited. I have classes today but my last one is done with enough time to still get ready for the game.

I get out of bed after scrolling on my phone and snapping Caitlin back. We fell asleep on FaceTime last night but she had shoot around this morning. I got ready before heading to the library to get some work done before having to log in to class.

I walked down to the lobby before deciding to text Ellie.
ellie bear👯‍♀️🫶🏼
hey i'm going to
the library for
class today. should
  be back around
4:30 to get ready!

kk. love you bean😘

love you more🤭

I walked to the library, stopping at the Café to get a coffee before making my way to a study room. I still had a few minutes so I decided to scroll on my phone while I waited.

I logged into class while the professor began on with todays lesson. A few minutes later I felt my phone buzz on the table. I decided to leave it there since I was still in class. I continued on with my notes until the professor dismissed us.

I began to open up another assignment when I felt another buzz on my phone. I looked to find 2 messages from Cait.
Good morning
pretty girl. I can't
wait to see you
Text me when your
out of class.

                                   good morning.
                                   just got out, i'm
                                   at the library
                                   trying to
                                   finish some
                                   can't wait to
                                   watch you

I open up a new assignment to try and get ahead in one of my classes since I won't be at home tonight. I spend the next 2 hours stuck to my computer finishing it. I get done and turn it in, realizing I haven't ate today.

I pack up my things and head to the dorm to grab something to eat. It's around 2:30 so I still have an hour and a half. I decide to call Ellie and let her know I'm on the way home but I'm going to the gym after.

I make my way back to the dorm and find some things to make a small meal out of. I quickly eat while watching some t.v. before picking out a workout set and fixing my hair. I grab my headphones and keys and head out to the gym.

I decided to do pretty much everything but focused mainly on my legs today. I walked the stairs first to get my body warm before heading to do some leg presses and lunges. After killing my legs I do a few arm and back exercises. I realize the time and decide to wrap up my workout.

I walk back to the dorm planning out how long it should take me to get ready. I plan on wearing one of Cait's hoodies with her name and number on the back so everyone knows she's mine.

I get to the door and unlock it. I look up to see flowers sitting on my nightstand with a handwritten note from Cait.

"I'm so blessed that you are mine and I am beyond grateful to have you at my game tonight, my beautiful girl. -Cait<3"

I send her a snap with the flowers that says "forever yours<3". I hop into the shower, and then start to get ready. I hear Elise walk through the door as I'm doing my makeup waiting for my hair to get somewhat dry.

"Ellie, I literally have the best girlfriend ever." I say.

"How do you think she got them here?" she says.

"You're the little birdie, aren't you?" I say in a interrogative tone. She gives off a smile as if to say "you caught me". I threw a braid in my hair and finished my makeup, threw on a pair of black leggings, Cait's crew neck with a pair of black and white dunk lows which I know she will appreciate while Ellie finished getting ready.

We make our way out of the door and start the walk to the arena. Thankfully Cait can drive us back after the game. The line inside Carver is long as ever. The state of Iowa has always been appreciative of women's sports. We get inside and make our way down to the court. Both teams are out doing shoot around. Ellie and I find our seat before she points Caitlin out.

There she is. Number 22. She looks so good, and her shots are falling perfectly, even from the half court line. She hasn't noticed me yet, but maybe that's a good thing. They head to the locker room before the game starts.

They come back out to do their pregame talk and that's when she sees me. I see her face light up as she offers a friendly smile. The announcer begins to call the starting 5. He begins to call out Iowa's.

"Junior guard. Number 22. CAITLIN CLARK!!!!" He calls as the crowd erupts. She runs off the bench, high-fiving her teammates hands before doing her signature handshake. she tosses her shirt before giving me a wink. They line up for tip-off as the game starts.

Iowa ends up winning 108-29. Caitlin had 26 points. She did so good, but of course I would think so. Ellie and I wait on the court for Cait to come out after their game. After a while we see some players exiting the tunnel, as they walk closer I can tell it's Caitlin, Monika and Kate. They walk up to us after the game. Cait gives me a hug, whispering how good I look, especially my hair. She sticks by my side after letting go.

"Good job, you guys did really well." I say to Monika and Kate.

"What about me?" I hear Cait say.

"Oh, you did okay." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Sure. Let's see you out there." she replied mockingly.

"Is this her?" Kate says.

"This is Kaia and Elise, she's one of my friends from class." I hear her say. Elise turns her head to look at me. I try to offer a smile but nothing is sincere. Elise read me like a book and knew something was up.

"Hey we're gonna go to the bathroom before we leave. Meet you outside?" she says to Caitlin, grabbing my arm and taking me away from the group.

I shed a tear as she begins to ask me what's wrong. She gives me a hug as I try to catch my breath.

"I know I said I wanted to be private but it hurt hearing her call me a friend." I say.

"I know bean. You might want to have a talk with her about it. I mean I know you're worried about your family, but if you would like, what if we had a talk with them. It's totally up to you." she says.

"I don't want to keep it a secret. I want to be able to tell people she's mine. I just don't know if I'll be accepted."

"You know I'll be there the whole time bean. I promise." she says. Her words are more comforting than I realized. I wipe my tears and head back out to find Cait.

"Hi pretty girl. What's wrong?" she says.

"It's nothing." I say hugging her. "Well, actually. I don't want to keep us a secret anymore." I say looking into her eyes. "I want to show you off. I want to be yours for everyone to see."

"I know baby. I want to show you off. I just said you were my friend because Kate has a loud mouth. Are you sure this is what you want?" she asks.

"Yes. I want to be yours." I say. She kisses me under the moonlight, a moment that feels like forever. I think I'm starting to fall in love with this girl, she is my every thought.

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