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*Kaia's POV*

I wake up around 7:10, scroll on my phone for a bit, and decide to roll outta bed and get ready for class. I was not really feeling it today so I threw on a cute loungewear set from Amazon, my Uggs that I wear everywhere, and fixed my braid. I decided to just do my skincare and throw on a little bit of concealer and mascara.

I grab a granola bar from my cabinet and head out to class. Today is going to be pretty rough, but at least I'll get to see Caitlin today. I make my way into the lecture hall and somehow find the will to actually do my work.

About 2 hours later and the class is finally over. I'm in desperate need for a coffee so I start my walk over to the café. I decided to snap Caitlin back with my location at the café, we had been snapping all morning but I had her on delivered while in class.

While waiting in line she snaps back. "Wait at the café for me, I'm almost there now, we can head to class together." she says in the snap. She's wearing the usual black nike sweats and one of the basketball hoodie they get. I decide to sit at a table while I wait for her.

A few minutes later she walks in and finds me at the table. She lets me know that she's gonna get a coffee real quick and then we can head out. I decide to scroll on my phone for the few minutes since there's nothing better to do.

"Alright, whenever your ready we can head out." she says. I get up to start walking and give her a smile. She's so polite. One thing I've noticed is she never lets me open a door.

We get outside and start walking towards her car.

"No way you drive a Beamer," I say in awe, "I've wanted one since I was a little girl."

"Yeah, I guess that's one of the perks of being a student athlete. You're always welcome to join me on the way to class." she says. I will definitely be taking her up on that offer.

We get into the car and she starts to play music before leaving the parking lot. Come to find out she's a major swiftie, something we have in common.

"Omg, Taylor is my go to on a bad day." I say hoping to start a conversation.

"Yeah, a lot of people don't know that about me, I love her. Is today like a bad day or something?" she asks.

"Not necessarily, I just made the mistake of taking a 8am so I'm very tired if you couldn't tell by todays look." I replied.

"What do you mean? I think you look perfect." she says with a smile.

"Oh you don't have to flatter me, I look a mess."

"I'm being serious Kaia, I think you look good." she replies with a wink. Man something about this girl has got me going crazy. She looks so good driving, she has the typical lesbian vibe, especially when driving.

We continue talking the way there and I mention how I normally go to the gym pretty frequently but it's been hard to find a good one that's close.

"Oh you can come with me. I would love to have a workout partner." she says with a big cheesy smile.

"Really? Wouldn't it be weird since we like just met?" I ask.

"Can't be that bad, right?" she says with a wink. "How about tonight, I don't have basketball and maybe we could hangout after?"

"Yeah, that sounds great to me." I replied. We head into the lecture hall, I sit in the same spot as last time, expecting her to do the same. Instead she's sits next to me, but I don't mind.

Throughout the lecture I notice her looking at me, but I can't understand why. I get up to use the bathroom, walking by her. She stands up to allow more room for me to get through. As I'm walking past her through this small space, I feel her touch on my waist, helping guide me down the isle.

My stomach drops and I get a rush of butterflies. I feel my face flush and burn like the sun. I froze, my mind couldn't think. All I could think about was her touch against my body, and how it made me fall for her even more.

"You good?" she whispers in my ear. God even her whisper is hot. My stomach drops even more and I'm rushed with more butterflies.

"Yeah, um- I'll be back." I respond. I rush to the bathroom and pull out my phone to text Ellie.
i am totally falling for
her ellie. idk what to
she wants me to
workout w/ her tn
                            and hangout after.

go for it. there's no way
she's not into you dude.
you are hot asf bitch. don't
be a pussy. love you😘

I mean I guess she's right. The worst that could happen is she isn't into me and I make a fool out of myself. But I am not going to self sabotage on this.

I got back into the lecture hall and she's asks if everything's okay. I tell her yeah and that I just needed a brain break. We finish up in class and she offers to take me back to my dorm.

We part ways and she says she'll be back around 5:30 to pick me up for the workout. I head inside and chill before deciding to do some studying. 5 o'clock rolls around faster than it should so I start getting ready. I throw on a cute purple workout set, throw my hair into a bubble braid, grab my workout shoes and head down to the lobby to fill up my water.
I'm here, parked right
outside the door!

ok! i'll be out in
                                  like 5 seconds

*caitlin hearted your

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