craving you.

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*Kaia's POV*

I grab Caitlin's hand as we get out of the car, guiding her into the apartment. As I go to unlock the door she places her arms around my waist and moves my hair out of the way as she begins kissing on my neck.

I somehow get the door open and we walk inside. Caitlin turns me around to face me, I place my arms on her shoulders as we begin to make out. She shuts the door behind me before picking me up and carrying me to her room. She shuts the door, placing me against it. Her hands begin to fall down my waist, undoing my pants to take them off.

After taking my pants off I lift her shirt off of her, leaving her in just a sports bra and pants. She starts to kiss down my body, and in between my thighs. She traces my slit with her tongue, circling it around my clit. I can't help but let out a noise as she does so.

She looks up at me as I run my hands through her hair. She takes one of her hands and slowly starts to insert her fingers. She lifts her head, making her way back onto her feet. She lifts me up, still inside me, and takes me to her bed. She places me down and begins inside me. She leans over my body, resting her hand next to my head as she looks up and down my body. The lust, the want in her eyes.

She pauses inside me as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. She places the phone up to her ear as she answers a phone call.

"Hi mom." she says. I am absolutely mortified. "I was just doing some homework." she says, giving me a wink, her fingers still inside me.

I start to crave her, so I grab her wrist and start to grind my hips back and forth. Her eyes quickly turn to mine as she's continuing a conversation with her parents. I give her the biggest "sex eyes" I could, letting her know I wanted her.

She mouthed at me to stay quiet, I nodded my head before she slowly started back up inside me. I quickly placed my hand over my mouth as she continued inside me. God she feels so good. It was so hard to stay still under her.

She finally hangs up the phone, placing it down on the bed.

"Good girl baby." she says leaning down to place kisses on my neck and body. She continues on inside my pussy as I reach a hand in between us, circling my clit. My moans fill the room.

"I wanna come for you." I say in her ear. I know it turns her on because she looks determined. She picks up her pace, causing me to throw my head back into the bed. I reach for the sheets above my head as my back begins to arch, forcing her deeper inside me.

"Pretty girl. You feel so good." she whispers in my ear. I finish quickly before my body spins into a giant orgasm. She slows her tempo down as my body calms from its high. She kisses all over my body, telling me how beautiful I am.

"I love you." I say out of breath.

"I love you more." she responds. She cleans me up before she grabs me a shirt and her a change of clothes. She hands me the shirt as she changes out of hers. She puts on a pair of shorts, leaving her sports bra on. I take off my top and lay down in her bed. I cover myself in her blanket before she can realize.

She climbs into bed after going to grab us some water, and turning on the t.v. I'm still pretty drunk, but not enough to where I'm sick. She realizes I don't have clothes on after she lays down, but she doesn't say anything. She just grabs me and pulls me closer to her, running her hands across my back until I fall asleep.

*next morning*

I wake up before Caitlin and scroll on my phone. I notice when she's awake because she starts to play with my hair by my face. I look up and give her a kiss.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Good. How do you feel?" she asks since I got pretty wasted last night.

"Surprisingly not bad." I reply. We enjoy each others company and talk about our plans for the day. She decides to get up and hop in the shower. I roll over and grab my book from the nightstand. I lay on my stomach, reading. I don't notice when Caitlin made her way back into the room, but I feel her touch on my back as she places a kiss to my head.

She lets me know that she is going to go get some shots up and that she'd be back soon. She made chocolate chip pancakes before she left for when I got hungry. She knows I'm not a good cook.

After a few minutes I decide to get up and eat. I throw on a grey hoodie and green biker shorts, I head into the kitchen and make an iced coffee before eating my pancakes. After I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth before getting ready.

I decide to clean up the apartment since she still isn't back yet. After that I text Ellie asking if she wants to meet and go on a walk together. I grab my stuff and head out of the apartment to meet Ellie. I text Caitlin to let her know incase I'm not back when she is.

I get outside and head to the dorm. We decide to just walk around campus and catch up. I feel bad because I've basically been at Caitlin's the past week, but she understands especially with my moms situation.

"So how's your mom doing?" she asks.

"Much better. They plan on releasing her tomorrow." I say as she nods her head.

"And your dad?"

"I haven't spoke to him and I don't plan on it." I say. It is weird and hurts, but if he doesn't see me for who I am, I'm not forcing a relationship with him.

"That's understandable." she says. We continue on talking about our week. She tells me about her new crush of the week and how she's got the hots for him. We decide to head back to the dorm and I go in to grab some stuff before going back to the apartment.

I walk back into the apartment complex and make my way up to Caitlin's. I open the door and slip my shoes off placing them by the door. I see Caitlin sitting in a hoodie, with the hood up, and sweats doing her homework.

"Hi baby." I say, setting my stuff down on the island before walking over to her.

"Hi. How was your walk?" she says with a smile.

"Good. How was shooting?"

"Good." she says before giving me a kiss.

"What class is this?" I ask looking at her computer.

"Principal's of Marketing. It's not due for a while, just wanted to get a jump on it because of basketball." she said. I head back into the kitchen before heading back to the couch to sit with her. I hand her an iced coffee. "Thank you my love."

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