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*Kaia's POV*

Cait, Ellie and I all decided to go get some dinner with the rest of the team to celebrate the win. We head to a restaurant and park the car. Elise gets out first to let us a have moment before walking in.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Cait asks grabbing my hand. I give her a nod in agreement. She places a kiss on my hand before we get out of the car.

We walk into the restaurant, hand in hand, while the rest of the team sits there talking about the game.

"There she is." Monika says from the table. A few girls turn their head as we sit down. I feel my heart pounding out of my chest. My anxiety starts to spike as my hands start to shake. Cait turns her head to me when she notices.

"Go to the bathroom, I'll be in there in a second." she whispers in my ear as Elise also gets up. Everything is a blur and I can't even process what's happening.

I head into the bathroom and Elise begins talking to me, trying to calm me down. My breath becomes heavy as she pulls out her phone to text Caitlin. Not a minute later does Caitlin appear in the bathroom.

"Hey Kaia baby. It's okay, I'm right here, just breath." she says. Her words begin to center me. She places her hands on my hips before pulling me into a hug. I start to calm down after realizing what just happened.

"I'm so sorry." I begin to say as Caitlin runs her hand through my hair, Ellie rubbing my back. "I'm sorry for taking you away from your team."

"Don't be sorry. You didn't mean to." she says. After a few more minutes we walk out and make our way back to the table. No one seems to ask the question, even though they are all giving us glances every few minutes.

We finish our food and Caitlin places her hand on my lower back, whispering to me that she's ready whenever I am. She lets the team know she'll see them later and that we were heading out.

We head back to the dorm and I decide that I'm gonna go stay with Cait for a little longer. I head into the dorm to change my clothes, talking to Elise.

"Hey I'm really proud of you bean." she says.

"Thank you. I think I'm gonna talk to my parents this weekend. Should Cait come?" I ask.

"If you feel that's the best way to keep you comfortable, then yes. I saw the way you melted in her arms today Kai." she said. It got me thinking, man I think I love this girl.

I grab my things and head back down to Cait's car. We start the drive to her apartment, but before getting out I turn to her.



"Would you like to come with me back home this weekend? To meet my family?" I ask. She turns and looks at me.

"Of course pretty girl." she replies. I kiss her cheek before we head inside. We stop in the living room to find Kate, Monika, McKenna, and Gabbie all there hanging out.

"Hey Cait, everyone this is Kaia." Monika says. She's the only one that actually knows about Cait and I right now. I offer a friendly smile to all of them.

"So, how do you guys know each other?" Gabbie questions.

"We have a class together, I stopped her and asked for the notes just to get her number. It seems to have worked out pretty well." Caitlin says giving me a cute smile.

"Wait, so you guys are a thing?" Kate starts. "You said she was your friend."

"Well you have a big mouth Kate. Plus Kaia wanted things private." Caitlin says. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have some homework to do."

"Yeah, sure. 'Homework'." Kate mumbles under her breath. I begin walking to Caitlin's room with my head down to avoid the exchange of looks between the group.

Caitlin walks into the room after me. She lets me know that she's going to take a quick shower.

"Alone?" I say. She quickly turns around, realizing what I said. She raises her eyebrows to see if I'm joking.

"Babe, there's other people here." she says. I shrug my shoulders. She grabs my hand and we quickly make our way into the bathroom while the girls are all paying attention to the t.v.

Caitlin turns the water on and we make our way into the shower. I put my hair up in a clip before so that way it doesn't get wet. She begins washing my back, her hand following along my skin. Her touch sending shivers down my spine.

I turn to face her, looking into her eyes. Her hands land on my waist before leaning into me.

"What happened to 'there's people here'?" I say quietly. Her eyes wander up and down my body as she licks her lips before letting off a smirk.

"C'mon baby." she says pulling me closer by my waist, her touch so hard not to give into. I close my eyes to avoid her look as her hand makes it's way to my jawline, tilting my head up. She starts to place kisses to my lips, before traveling down my neck.

We hear a knock on the door. I start to freak out as a voice begins to speak.

"Hey Caitlin, we're heading out to go get some ice cream and then we'll be back." Monika says

"Did you guys want anything?" Kate adds in. Fuck. I look at Caitlin with the biggest eyes possible. She quickly placed a finger to my mouth before answer the question.

"No thanks." she says. We wait to hear footsteps before getting out of the shower. She heads to the door, opening it to make sure no one was waiting before walking out. We head into her room, changing into pj's before laying down.

We decided to start a movie before the girls get back. We laid down, Caitlin snuggled in my chest. After her game she was obviously super tired, she fell asleep before the girls even returned.

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