my apologies.

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*Caitlin's POV*

We had just left the place where we had our date and I'd say it went pretty well, I mean I have a girlfriend now. I stop by the apartment before heading to her dorm. I park the car and head inside to talk to Mon and get some clothes.

"Mon it's me, I'm going over to Kaia's tonight." I say walking through the doors.

"Ouuu, how'd it go?" she questions at the island doing her homework.

"Well she's my girlfriend now, but we're gonna keep it private for a while. Also here's your keys back."

"My car better not have been used for anything else." she says with a glare.

"I'll buy you a car wash." I reply back shrugging my shoulders. I head into the room and get some clothes to sleep in and Kaia a new hoodie.

"Oh my god, you're grabbing her a shirt. How bad was it." she says. I give her a look before heading out the door and back down to Kaia. She looked so good tonight.

I get back out to the car and let Kaia know we're taking my car as she puts the hoodie on. We get situated and begin the trip to the dorm. We get inside and Elise is sitting there doing homework.

"So how'd it go with miss lovebird? Did you get it on?" she asks without looking up from her computer.

"Ellie." Kaia says quickly. She lifts her head to notice me laughing my ass off next to Kaia.

"A warning would've been nice Kai." Elise says with a glare. Kaia shrugged her shoulders at her. "Wait a second. That is not the shirt you left it. Oh my god!" she said all cheery.

"Yeah I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say excusing myself from the soon conversation. I don't know what they talked about, but the second I walked out I hear Elise have a shocking reaction to something.

"Oh my god. Are you with a vampire?" she says as I make my way out of the bathroom, giving me a look.

"My apologies." I say putting my hands up in a surrender. Kaia grabs some clothes out of her dresser and heads into the bathroom. I sit on her bed waiting.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head out. You guys have fun." Elise says. I give her a smile as she grabs her stuff and leaves. I knock on the bathroom door before opening it. I see Kaia there in her pj's looking adorable.

"Elise left for the night. She said something about third-wheeling."

"Of course." she says with a cute smile. I walk over to where she's standing. My eyes wander up and down her body, admiring her beauty, before coming in and wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head in between her neck and shoulder.

"How did I get so lucky." I say after pressing a kiss to her shoulder. She gave me a big smile before kissing my lips. We head into the room after she finished her skincare. We shuffle our way into bed and cuddle, talking about our days and tomorrow. We both fall asleep quickly as the night continues on.

*A few days later*
-on a phone call- Caitlin ; Kaia


"Hi baby."

"What are you doing?"

"About to head to class, why?"

"Come to the Café. I miss you."

"Okay. I'm on my way."

I get to the Café and I see Kaia sitting there with 2 iced coffees in her hands. I walk up to her, giving her a hug before she hands me one of the coffees.

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