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*Kaia's POV*

I get up to the room and I just know I have to tell Elise. She's not back from class yet so I decide to take an everything shower. I head into the bathroom and light a candle, get in the shower and begin my routine. I get out of the shower and get a snap from Cait.

I snap her back a cute pic of me with my hair in the towel and an oversized shirt on with a bit of my shoulder peaking out. I head to my desk/vanity and start on my skincare. She snaps back a picture of her after practice and it says "looks like you're feeling better". I send back a photo of me smiling.

We continue snapping back and forth. I lay in bed and patiently wait for Elise. I hear the key at the door and I immediately sit up. She walks through the door and knows I have some news just by the way I'm sitting there.

"What happened?!" Elise says.

"You'll never guess," I say.

"Spill. Now." she says.

"I got the girl!! We're going on a date tomorrow!" I say excitedly.

"NO WAY! KAIII THATS SO EXCITING!!!" she replies. We are both excited and talk about it for a few minutes, until I get a snap back and I immediately start blushing.

"Oh my god it's her isn't it?" Elise says.

"Maybeee." I reply.

"Open it dummy." she says. I open the snap and it's of her in the locker room. I cannot believe that I am going on a date with her. She is actually perfect and I am so attracted to her. I send her back a picture of Elise and I, and then we chill for a bit. I start watching Netflix while Elise does some school work.

As I'm sitting in bed and Elise heads out to go hang with some friends from other classes, I get an incoming FaceTime call. It's Caitlin. I can't help but smile ear to ear as I accept the call.

"Hi," I say as it connects, "how was practice?"

"Good, just wanted to call to see how you were, and I wanted to hear your voice." she said. She is such a fluff-ball. I can't help but smile. We continue to talk forever, even while she starts driving.

"Hey, grab some shoes and come downstairs." she says.

"Caitlin what did you do?" I ask.

"Just come downstairs." she insists. I grab my keys, slip on some shoes and head down to the lobby. I see Caitlin pull up and I immediately question her.

"What's happening?"

"I missed you, so I thought I'd come pick you up and we can hangout at the apartment, plus Mon's gone with Kate." she says.

"As long as we get ice cream." I say

"Deal." she replies. We make our way to the local ice cream shop and then back to her apartment. We make it inside and she shows me around. She told me to make myself comfortable while she takes a quick shower. I sit down on her bed and begin to scroll on TikTok.

10 minutes later, she walks out of the bathroom with wet hair, a sports bra on, and basketball shorts. Oh lawd. She is so sexy. I can't help but stare as
it seems like she's walking in slow-mo. She walks over to the bed and stands between my legs in front of me.

"Like something you see?" she says, slowly lifting my face by my chin. I feel myself drowning as my body is swarmed with butterflies. I try to speak but nothing comes out. She leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead, and then walks back towards the kitchen. I fall back dramatically in her bed to try and collect myself.

After a few minutes she walks back into the room with drinks and a bowl of popcorn.

"Movie night?" she says.

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