sweet girl.

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*Caitlin's POV*

Kaia is asleep right now and practice is in a few hours. I explained the whole situation to Coach Bluder and she said Kaia could come to practice if she's not okay with being left alone.

I decide to text some of the girls giving them a heads up about the situation.
Mon, Kate, Kenna, Gabs
Kaia is gonna be at
our practice tonight.
There was a family
emergency with her
mom and her dad was
not happy when we
showed up to the
hospital this morning.
Coach said she could
come. Just wanted to
give y'all a heads up
on her situation.

is she okay?

oh sweet girl.
i hope she's

I'm sorry.
That sucks.

I hope she
knows we're here
for her.
I'm just glad my teammates are all so understanding and they know and love her.

I wake Kaia up with kisses, letting her know I'm getting ready for practice. She lays in bed for a little while before getting up. She throws on the crewneck I got her, some shorts and puts her hair into a claw clip. My poor girl.

We walk out holding hands and get into the car. We pull up to the arena and get out of the car. I walk with her to the locker room where a few of the girls were still getting ready for practice.

*Kaia's POV*

"Hi guys." I say walking in, Gabbie comes up giving me a hug. I've gotten pretty close with the other starters since they've known about us for the longest.

"Hi sweet girl." she says. She always calls me sweet girl and it makes me feel safe. My mom has always called me sweet girl, so it makes me feel at home. "How are you doing?"

"Shitty, but this is helping." I say before letting her go. The girls start to head out to the gym while Cait and I stay for a little longer. She explains that I can sit in the gym and watch or stay in the locker room, whichever I prefer. I tell her I'll go out and watch. Before we head out to the gym she places a kiss to my lips and my forehead.

Today was a rough day, but I'm glad that I was able to stay with her at practice. She was so competitive with her teammates I couldn't help but watch in awe. The way she acts, her demeanor. It was almost sort of attractive.

She heads over to me after practice had finished and they talked as a team.

"Hello." I say offering a smile, looking up and down her sweaty body.

"Hello." she says in a suspecting tone.


"I saw that." she says. I feel my cheeks blush as she walks over and looks down at me.

"Do you think some of the girls would want to go out tonight? I feel like we deserve to do something." I say. She nods her head as I get up to walk into the locker room. While in there she asks the girls and they all are down.

We head back to the apartment and Cait takes a shower while I get ready. I change into a pair of mom jeans and a corset top that makes my boobs look good. I head into her bathroom to do my hair and makeup before she's even out of the shower. She gets out as I'm in the middle of doing my makeup. She stops and stares, her eyes pausing at my chest. She turns me around making eye contact with me.

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