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*Kaia's POV*

Caitlin fell asleep in my arms as I watched Netflix. I felt bad for having to raise my voice at her but there's no way I'm letting her sit the next game. She would be mad at herself if she did.

I held her close as she slept peacefully in my arms. I love this girl so much it hurts. I just want her to know that it was out of love. I somehow fall asleep even thought all I can think about is how hurt she looked.

*next morning*

I woke up and Caitlin was gone. No note, no text. Fuck. I grab my phone to text Monika asking if they were at the gym. No response. I got out of bed and took a quick shower before getting ready and going to the dorm. I walked through campus and made my way to the dorm building.

I got upstairs and made my way into the room. Elise was there.

"Hey bear. I'm sorry for never being her anymore." I say. I can feel tears make their way up my throat but I try to push them down.

"Hi bean. I've missed you. Is everything okay?" she says giving me a hug. A tear falls before I can stop it. "What happened?"

"I don't know." I say as more fall. "I woke up and she was gone, no note or text. Monika won't respond and I think I fucked up."


"I yelled at her last night. I was just trying to help her with her ankle, but I think I took it too far." I said. She pulled me in for a big hug as I cried in her arms.

"I promise you Kaia, she loves you. She'll come back." she says against my hair. We decided to lay down in her bed while she put a movie on. Ellie and I have always been close, she's basically my older sister.

I fell asleep because I was exhausted from crying. I woke up to the feeling of my phone vibrating. It was Caitlin.
Hey, can we meet?


Okay. I'm on my
I get up and head out to the lobby when I see her car pull up. I can't even look at her I'm so nervous. She drives to the apartment, parking the car before turning to look at me.

"Kaia." she says. I turn my head to look at her, her face changing when she sees mine.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I say as tears begins to fill my eyes. I know she's breaking up with me, I just don't want to lose her.

"Baby what are you sorry for?"

"You're about to break up with me, I know how this works." I say. Her hands raises to my cheek, wiping a tear as her face falls.

"Why would I break up with you?"

"Last night. I yelled at you, and then this morning you left. You hate me."

"I don't hate you. I left this morning because I had to go pick up something." she says grabbing my hands before kissing me. "That's why I texted you. I have something for you."

I wipe my face as she starts to get out of the car, making it to my side and opening the door. She grabs my hand as we walk inside. She tells me I still look beautiful as we get into the elevator.

"How's your ankle?"

"Better. Now, I need you to be very careful walking into the house okay?"

"Cait what did you do?!" I say as she opens the door. I walk in behind her as she heads into the bedroom. She opens the door to a little white dog sitting on the bed. "You did not. Babe you did not!" I say.

"I did." she said with the biggest smile. "What's her name?"

"Luna." I say with a smile. "You got us a puppy."

"I got us a puppy baby." she says with the biggest smile ever. I grabbed my phone and took pictures to send to Ellie.

We spent the rest of the night with Luna helping her get used to all the new places in the apartment and getting things for her at Target and PetSmart

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We spent the rest of the night with Luna helping her get used to all the new places in the apartment and getting things for her at Target and PetSmart.

*a few days later*

I wake up to the sound of the front door opening and footsteps coming in. I stumble out of bed and put on one of Cait shirts. It's so oversized it stops halfway down my thighs. I walk out of the room to see Cait squatted down with Luna. She's in a long sleeve grey Nike dry fit shirt with Nike black athletic shorts. She was taking Luna out of her harness, obviously coming back from a walk.

"Is that my Luna girl?" I say as I see her cute face.

"There's mommy." Caitlin says finally getting the harness off allowing her to run in my direction. She's literally so cute. "There's mommy"?!! Literally kiss me right now.

I get Luna's food while Cait starts to make breakfast. I walk over to her at the stove, sliding my arms around her waist. My head rests on the middle of her back.

"How'd you sleep?" she says cooking eggs.


"Why meh?"

"I don't know. I've missed you though." I reply. She turns around and places a kiss to my lips. I wrap my arms around her neck as her hands make their way to my waist. Stuck in the moment we don't realize Monika walked out to sit on the couch.

"Okay love birds, get a room." she says sarcastically before cuddling with Luna. We both let out a laugh before Cait presses a kiss to my forehead, returning to the breakfast. "Oh yeah, we're all going to a party tonight. You guys should come."

"I'll pass." Caitlin says. I shoot her a look, forcing a pout.

"C'mon just one night. Then we can be grandmas the rest of the week!" I say hoping to convince her. She turns her head to look at me.

"Fine." she says tucking my hair behind my ear. I spin around kicking my leg up before walking into the bedroom to take a shower.

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