merry christmas.

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*Kaia's POV*

"Babe! Babe!" I hear as I slowly start to wake up. Caitlin is standing in front of me holding a cup of hot chocolate. "Merry Christmas!" she says with a cute smile on her face.

"Merry Christmas." I say back failing to contain a smile. She is so excited about the holiday, it's so cute. "What time is it?"

"6:55!" she replies. She looks like she's been awake for hours.

"How are you not tired? You're like a kid waiting for Santa." I say shaking my head throwing the blanket back over me. I don't hear anything.

"Fine, only if you cuddle me for another hour." I say lowering the blanket dramatically. Of course she had a big pout on her face. She leans down and places a kiss to my lips. I quickly snatch the stupid Santa hat off her head letting out a laugh.

*an hour later*

I get up and head into the bathroom to get myself a little more presentable before opening gifts with her family. I throw on a pair of pj shorts that match Cait's pants. I brush my teeth and hair before throwing it back into a messy braid.

We head down to the living room where her parents and brothers are waiting.

"Good morning, Merry Christmas!" her mom says.

"Good morning, Merry Christmas!" I reply. We start to open gifts and spend time around the tree with her family. Of course Luna got a nice Christmas sweater from her grandparents.

We ate breakfast with the family before we got ready to have lunch with her extended family. I threw on a white sweater and some black jeans while Caitlin wore an ugly Christmas sweater with jeans. I got to meet all her cousins and aunts and uncles.

After spending much time getting to know her family and all her cousins, we headed up to the room to start packing our stuff. I haven't told Caitlin yet but I've been a little on edge about going to my house. My mom said that my dad wasn't there, but I still worried.

"Hey baby, is everything okay?" Cait says wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Mhm hmm." I say forcing a smile to my face.

"What's wrong Kaia." she says giving me a stern look.

"It's nothing, I promise."

"If you're worried about it, it's your call." she says looking into my eyes. I nod my head before she places a kiss to my cheek.

We packed our stuff and loaded up the car, saying our last round of goodbyes before heading to my house. The ride was short but the nerves stayed. I knew she could tell something was up because she held my hand the entire time, brushing her thumb over my knuckles.

We made it to my house as I take a deep breath before even unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Your call baby. Just say the words and we'll leave." she says placing a kiss to my cheek. I nod before we get out of the car and head towards the front door. My mom opened the door giving us both hugs. We head to the kitchen where Konner was.

"Kaia baby, we should talk." my mom says as we sit down. A wave of concern is sent through my body as Caitlin sits next to me, I feel her hand on my thigh bringing in a sense of comfort.

"Your father and I are getting a divorce. I couldn't stand listening to him treat you that way, and it only made things worse for Konner and I at home." my mom said reaching for my hand. I knew my father was very opinionated growing up, but I never thought he would take it this far.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask my mom and sister.

"He hasn't been here in a few days. Mom kicked him out after he came home super wasted." Konner says. I hug my mom letting her know I loved her and thanking her for loving me.

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