get out.

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*Kaia's POV*

Monika, Gabbie, Kate, Caitlin and I were all hanging out for most of the day. We're all getting ready for the party before heading down with Monika. We decided to take Monika's car tonight since she was okay with Gabbie dding.

We get to the party which of course is at a Frat House. We get out of the car, Caitlin's arm over my shoulder. We walk in and are greeted by Kate and two red solo cups with alcohol at the stairs.

I take the drink and immediately chug it, grabbing Caitlin's hand and walking her through the rest of the party. We make our way into the kitchen as she leans on the counter barely drinking anything.

"C'mon baby don't be lame." I say giving her a cute smile. She rolls her eyes before taking another sip of the drink.

"There." she says placing the cup down. I move to stand in front of her, trying to get her to have some fun. I place my hands on her chest. She places her hands on my waist, pulling me closer to her. Three dudes shuffle behind me very drunk right after.

"Come dance with me?" I say trying to pull her off the counter, she grabs me and pulls me closer again as two more guys walk behind with a table. She is always looking out for me.

*Caitlin's POV*

Kaia is having a little more fun than I currently am. I'm not a big drinker during season, but I'm here for her. She grabs me by the hand and pulls me to the living room where people are dancing.

She places my arms around her waist with her back against my chest. She starts moving her body, slowly, as she wraps her arm around my neck. Her touch and movement against my body sends butterflies throughout me.

I let her know that I'm going to find Monika and Kate before she heads back to get more drinks. As I'm walking to find the girls, someone bumps into me.

"You're cute. What's your name." the voice says.

"You're drunk." I reply not wanting to deal with the interaction.

"Dance with me!" she says.

"No. I have a girlfriend." I reply before walking off to find Mon. I spot her over at the pong table and decide to join while she watches Kate absolutely destroy some random Frat guys.

"Hey where's Kaia?" Monika asks.

"She went to get more drinks. I don't know why this is taking so long though." I reply back. I stand and watch Kate finish the game, obviously bruising the boys egos.

I head back to the kitchen to find Kaia but she's not there. Fuck not again. I start to search the house calling out Kaia's name. Some girl said she saw her walk upstairs, so that's where I went.

I open the bathroom door, not her. I started checking all the bedrooms. Where is she. I open one of the doors to find some dude standing in front of a small girl.

"Bro what the fuck. Shut the door." the guys snaps at me. When he turns his head I can see her face. It's Kaia. She looks confused, in shock. I notice her lipstick is smudged. I start to walk into the room.

"What are you doing?" I say as my face falls. I have no clue what is happening here but all I can see is red. She stands there frozen, not saying anything. "Who are you?" I say to the Frat guy. He starts to get defensive taking steps towards me.

"Get out." he says pointing at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I repeat myself taking steps closer. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Monika and Kate behind me.

"What's going on?" Monika says as Kate steps closer to me.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Now, what the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend." I say. Kaia still hasn't moved. Monika pushed past me and the guy to see if Kaia is okay.

*Kaia's POV*

Caitlin went to go find Monika and Kate and I was supposed to bring us drinks back. I saw some girl talk to Caitlin as she went. I don't know what happened but my mood changed. Who was that girl.

I went over to the kitchen to make us some more drinks. I guess my face was very telling as a guy came up to me. He tried to talk to me but I just ignored him. He touched my arm, spinning me around.

"Dude what the fuck." I said, he came closer to me, causing the drink to spill down my shirt.

"Oh my bad. Here I can help you clean up." he said. I started going up the stairs to the bathroom, but he followed me, directing me into a bedroom. He kept walking towards me until I was pushed up against the wall. Next thing I know his lips were on mine. My body froze under his as I heard the door open.

"Bro what the fuck. Shut the door." he snaps. I can't see who it is, but they start to walk into the room. I'm terrified for my safety right now.

"What are you doing?" I hear from a familiar voice. "Who are you?"

"Get out." he says pointing at Caitlin.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Monika and Kate made their way up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Monika says as Kate walks up.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Now, what the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend." she says as Monika pushes past the guy over to me. Monika starts to ask what happened. I immediately fall into her arms crying trying to explain myself.

"Caitlin no." I hear Kate say as she grabs her and forces her away from the dude. "Leave bro. Get the fuck out." Kate says as the guy finally leaves. Caitlin comes over to me, not sure who started the interaction.

"What happened?" she says softly, obviously upset. I lift my head from Monika's shoulder and into Caitlin's arms.

"I didn't do anything I swear." I say. She wraps her hands around me holding me close.

"I know, just tell me what happened." she says running her hands through my hair. I explain to her how he threw himself at me and I thought he would leave me alone. She holds me close, kissing my head. "Let's go home." she says. She picks me up, wrapping my legs around her waist as we head out to the car.

She drives us back to the apartment and we get inside. She got the shower started for me and helped me. She helped me get dressed before laying down in bed. We laid together, her holding me close to her chest as she played with my hair.

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